The other day when the overseer was over, he started talking about how good the cong was and how it was the best as far as publishers. He mentioned that we only had 0 irregular, and 0 inactive publishers. This is BS. I know this for a fact because I know of 6 brothers/sisters that only go out preaching once every 3 moths or so (I've known these brothers since childhood, so I know they are not lying to me)....If you include me and my cousin that would be 8. Where the hell did the elders get 0 from? Its crazy how they are fooling the overseers in to thinking that the congs are kicking ass...
How much do the elders lie when the Overseer visits the Cong?
by Agent Smith 17 Replies latest jw friends
Depends on the congregation -- many will not lie -- but they will not tell the whole truth -- they will conceal stuff -- which of course is not quite the same thing -- but yes -- I once lied to a CO when I was a secretary
One of the biggest "scams" elders do is arm twisting people into turning in field service time right before the CO comes. The congregation will receive a letter from the CO saying that he and his wife will be visiting the week of such and such. So the elders then pull the publishers cards, pass them out to the book study conductors and it's there job to collect "missed" time for the months that certain publishers didn't report time. Of course, you may have some individuals who have time for 5 out of the last 6 months and may have simply forgotton to turn in time for one month. They would be considered "irregular." So the elder has them turn in time for the missing month. Then you have other people who for the past six month didn't turn in time for five of those months. The elders will hound these people. "Surely, Brother So & So you must have spoken about Jehovah to someone for at least an hour!!??!!!"." With enough arm twisting, this "irregular" simply turns in time to get the elder off his back. And PRESTO! no more irregular publishers!
First, you need a unified elder body in which everybody covers for everybody else - or you have an "inner circle"
that keeps all the really important stuff to themselves. Secondly, the Secretary can take it upon himself to
fudge the numbers ( "he must have put some time in!").
Also, if the C.O. is a jerk, count visits! Remember, he's only got three years to go and then you get another one
to start on. You can 'snow' him that long if you're careful.
I'm not making this stuff up. I know these things from experience
I can GUARANTEE YOU that if:
you treat Witnesses as adults and expect them to turn in their time as adults ( without being called)
and if you are strictly honest about congregation stats.
You WILL be removed or pushed out as Secretary.
metatron and others are correct -- also watch out for a large number of shepherding calls being made about two weeks before a circuit visit -- so they can then turn around and say -- ah but we visited so-and-so
I know of 6 brothers/sisters that only go out preaching once every 3 moths or so (I've known these brothers since childhood, so I know they are not lying to me)
I am wondering if these individuals are fudging a bit too and reporting a fake number on the months they don't go out.
Seems like people had a fear of the CO. They were only there when he was visiting, and the halls were packed out. And the numbers looked good. Even the bible students were invited to come and see the show. The next meeting after he was gone there were hardly any in attendance. Even the elders needed time off. I was called so many times, if I could handle their part on the meeting, since the others had to 'leave' town for some reason.