UN v Religion - The're at it again !!!

by Amazing 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    Oh please, like that bunch of nutcases are really going to be able to get the UN to enforce a ban on religion!

    Don't be silly!

    You might as well ban sex...it would be equally effective...

  • SYN

    On that topic...

    Freedom from Sex | Proposed UN Resolution / Charter Amendment | Version 1.1


    * to save succeeding generations from the scourge of organized sex, as orchestrated by the previously banned religion, a folly which has brought untold sorrow to mankind through the division, hatred and blind dating it engenders, and

    * to reaffirm an individual's right to freedom from shagging, freedom of sounding like Austin Powers when trying to pick up women, and freedom of praying for a larger willy via spam email, and

    * to establish conditions under which these freedoms can be privately exercised.


    1. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the public expression of sex, including the use of toys, clothing or markings which are synonymous with any currently or previously existing horizontal tango activities.

    2. To outlaw, with immediate effect, public acts of sex or sexual declarations.

    3. To outlaw, with immediate effect, private gatherings of three or more people for the purposes of engaging in acts of sex or sexual services.

    4. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the publication of books, literature or articles which seek to promote sex or encourage sexual activity.

    5. To outlaw, after a period of amnesty, the personal ownership of books or materials which seek to promote sex or encourage adherence to sexual practises. (Books of academic or social interest will be made freely available to schools, universities and public libraries).

    6. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the celebration of sexually significant dates such as Valentine?s Day, because of the burden they impose on the cocoa farmers of Brazil.

    7. To begin, with immediate effect, the destruction or reassignment of predominantly sexual buildings, such as motels, cathouses and stripclubs.

    For further information, see:


    United Nations Contact Information

    Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General
    United Nations, S-378
    New York, NY 10017

    Press/media inquiries only
    Tel. 212-963-7162
    Fax. 212-963-7055

  • imallgrowedup


    " ...and generally feel that their religion is the TRUTH and all others are enemies that need to be converted or destroyed or both."

    JWs might believe that ... but among most Christian and Jewish faiths, they believe in tolerance and accept one another equally. For example Conservative Baptists accept Pentecostals, and Pentecostals accept Conservative Baptists as 'Brothers in Christ' ... and they do not see their unique religious opinions as the "Truth" ... but as their opinions ... this "We vs Them" mentality is not as common and is primarily confined to weird little groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I agree 100%. In fact, in my church, we actually pray for other churches, which is a source of wonder for visitors. I used to be in the "first time visitors" ministry where I would call these people, and invariably I would hear how they liked the fact that our church does not push ourselves on people, that we encourage visitors to visit all the churches in the area before deciding on a church home, and that we actually pray for other churches. Additionally, I am a "non-denominational" Christian, but have many friends who are Pentacostals, Baptists, Presbyterian, etc. I even have friends who are agnostic or aetheistic. However, contrary to SLM's experiences, I would never say anything to anyone about where I think their souls will finally rest, regardless of their beliefs. Besides the fact that it is not my place to presume where God intends for them to go, pronouncements like those have a tendency to turn people off from God. Why focus on negativity, when the positive reasons to choose God are sooooo much better and a lot more enticing?


    Love your parody!!! Totally hilarious!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Jim, I'm wondering if that "freedom from religion org" that produced and promotes the proposal to ban all religion to the UN is in actuality being produced and promoted by the jdub heirarchy....or if jdubs are "silent backers" of it......in order to lend some faux credibility to WTS prophecies......wouldn't put it past 'em.

    Frannie B

  • SYN

    Hi Imallgrowedup (that is very hard to type!!!!),

    Yeah, that proposal by those nuts on that website is just completely out-of-the-window, a few puppies short of a litter, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, a few queens short of a chess set stuff. They're either very naive or very deluded if they think it's gonna work!

  • elamona

    Actually what they propose is already being incrementally being instituted here in this country and in other countries. Think back 40 years-could any of you have imagined that prayer, religion or any display of religious material would be pushed out of the schools, and out of the public square , would be reviled, called a hateful religion, castigated as being intolerant, bigoted? We're not so far from that proposal, now. If you read the Earth Charter that has been endorsed and adopted by the UN you can see that the ultimate-long term (within 100 yrs from 1992)goal is to replace all religions with a "new" set of values, ethics and morals, arrived at by consensus, directed at the complete transformation of all societies to a socialist earth worshipping 13th century dark ages "paradise".Inhabited by as few people as possible. Their means to do this is thru education-from preschool thru college all thru life with a total indoctrination thru all avenues- school, media, books, anything and everything. Their approved curicculum is being taught in every school in every industrialized nation with the exception of a few private schools who still traditionally. Agenda 21 has been and is being instituted as we speak. The UN has been the instrument of this "transformation" by writ and international law.

  • Carmel

    The UN hosts over 800 NGO's most of which are products of or official representatives of the worlds various religions. There is no agenda, hidden or otherwise, to ever ban religion. Only a cave dweller (aka "publisher") would succum to the goofy notion promulgated by the FDS and its peers.


  • Sassy

    My mom emailed me today first to talk about the 'weather' (her one safe subject we are allowed to discuss).. but then added on the end about the UN turning on religion now.. she is hoping it will give her a chance to talk to people about the signs of the times (that was a hint for me)..

    ho hum

  • jwsons

    Why your mum is so quick knowning this "bad association" Internet News as such if The Borg didn't make up this story ?Agree everyone ?


  • elamona

    I am neither a cave dweller nor a JW. I read. I read A LOT. And everything I read was on the Earth Charter web page and the UN web page links.

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