If the word here means an institution of learning, where the prophetess Huldah dwelt, then it marks
Why the name change from Watchtower Bible College of Gilead to Watchtower Bible School of Gilead?
by was a new boy 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
was a new boy
Did too many Jehovah's Witness kids get curious about wanting to go to a real college?They really don't give an explanation, it's like old light and new light, one reads the new light, andin the spirit of loyalty, the subject gets dropped, and there's no more talk about the old name again.Knorr started it up in 1943, and after 1946 one never read about it as a 'College' again.Was the 'College' name a scandal?Perhaps Knorr thought that Jesus picking them in 1918 was the best “Accreditation” one needed?WT 2/15/43 p 61'This college is a gracious provision of Jehovah to that end,...The word “ college” appears in the Bible record, at 2 Kings 2 2 .1 4 and 2 Chronicles 3 4 :2 2 ,in connection with the typical Theocracy over the Israelites.It was at the capital city, Jerusalem. The word “ college” is here translated from the Hebrew word“ mishneh” , which means literally “ doubling or repeating”.
If the word here means an institution of learning, where the prophetess Huldah dwelt, then it marksa “ college” as a place where instruction on special subjects is repeated but in an advanced and moreintensified m y so as to increase one’s familiarity, capacity and efficiency therein, and thusdoubling one’s ability.It is a secondary institution, and hence farther advanced than a primary one.Such, indeed, is the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead. It is so called because it is operated andmaintained by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., of New York, and the college facultyof instructors are ordained ministers who are representatives of the Society.Though listed according to the law of the land as a “ religious institution”, it is in fact a Christiancollege for Bible training.' -
was a new boy
1946 YB
was a new boy
1944 YB
was a new boy
Feb 15, 1943 WT p 60
was a new boy
1947 YB
Back then is was all about getting exemption from the draft for their 'ministers'. The list of names, the assertions that their college was a ministerial college, the whole charade.
German translation has always been „school“.
The words COLLEGE and UNIVERSITY must be CUSS WORDS to this organization. . . . . . . . . . 🤨🤨
Anony Mous
Because saying you run a college may construe that it is somehow accredited. NYS instituted a ton of legislation and regulation to any institution calling themselves a college, amongst other things, colleges, even non-accredited ones must send their curriculum to NYS Dept. of Education and comply with various inspections and guidelines so it probably became expensive to comply.