Consider this:
If the average congregation has about 83 publishers in the US, then the organization may be sinking into a crisis.
Take that 83 and consider that half the congregations may have less.
Take away '15 minute publishers' who don't attend
Take away completely fake publishers who rarely attend
Take away increasingly tired publishers who 'feel sick', are depressed, or just want to stay at home and watch TV.
and what's left? If you have only 50 - 60 people show up , week after week, in Kingdom Halls built to hold more than
twice that much, you've got a big problem. It's going to be demoralizing.
If you're an elder, you're headed for burnout, trying to pull answers out of a dispirited flock, while conducting meetings.
Contributions may decline to the point in where the Hall isn't viable anymore.
If you're a publisher, you may start to quietly compromise - as you see things slide locally. Maybe you'll eat with
your df'd kid after all..........
This is why Circuit Overseers ( and the GB) are worried.
The Society will have to compromise here and do the unthinkable - create larger congregations that CONTAIN MORE
APATHETIC WITNESSES! They love to have smaller congregations and small book studies so that EVERYONE IS
KEPT OCCUPIED WITH 'BUSY WORK'! - but increasingly, this won't work because the congregations won't be viable.
Can you say more 'assimilation'? This will evolve in the direction of CHRISTENDOM - with folks who show up once a week
if they feel like it! The problem of shutting down congregations is likely to spread from Japan and Europe to here.
Unless some world disaster happens - to get Witnesses panicking back to the Kingdom Hall - the Society will be faced
with shutting down lots of congregations - that can't function anymore. I look forward to many Halls sold off to churches
which offer day care or other services that Witneses NEVER would.
Another encouragement to the this process is the inept and stubborn folks at Headquarters - who will do nothing
while things decay. Thank You, Service Dept., for just being you!