Flipper: These WT leaders are evil, narcissistic, sociopaths who feel the laws of the land in any country do not apply to them. They feel entitled as they feel they ARE " god " essentially and have no need to answer to anyone for their actions.
The power has only who manages the finances. Most part of JW -life is about money, free labor, donating as much as possible to the headquarter and not reporting about the usage of money.
cash as much as you can - what a lifestyle - dont report about - how cruel.
Tricky arguments let one go donate to the cash mashines, cause money is always urgently neede to cover the unexpected costs - money-madness
What if the managment of the J.W. finances would be taken from the hands of the money-mad leaders and given to a public trustee a trustee that keeps the accounts of the religion?
Then the GB could concentrate on spiritual matters and not have the burden to keep the accounts. Its a nice idea, A "public ministry of religion and culture" can lead the accounts for cults.
Much would change. The faith is allowed, not forbidden, no persecution, but the control over finance should be not in the hands of money mad leaders as long as there is no cooperation about temporarily three subjects:
1) pedophile files
2) change in the judicial hearing process and treatment of ex-JW which harms people physical and spiritual health and destroys families
3) free informed decision to take blood or not without pressure of the JW Hospital Liason committee. HLC