Oh great, the damn Girl Scouts are here selling their cookies.

by Winston Smith :>D 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    I thought of this ?cause of Xena?s thread.
    Oh great, the damn Girl Scouts are here selling their cookies?
    Well, that?s what I would have said when I was an active JW.
    I was pretty hard-core as a dub.
    I was yanked out of Boy Scouts when my family first started studying.
    So after that, I always viewed the Girl Scouts and their high-pressure sales pitch with those yummy cookies with utter disdain.
    A few weeks ago, after my wife left for FS, I was getting ready for the day.
    Just jumped out of the shower, got dressed, and I was brushing my teeth.
    I heard the doorbell ring.
    I go to the door. What do I see?
    First off to paint the picture right:
    It?s not too cold outside, high 20?s, low 30?s F and we have a fresh snow on the ground.
    Very beautiful and picturesque for a Wisconsin winter.
    As I approach the door window, I see the cutest little Oriental girl with a big smile all bundled up at my door.
    She is holding a Girl Scout cookie sign up sheet.
    I have my toothbrush in my hand & I am ?foaming? at the mouth.
    The first thing I thought of?
    ?Oh great, the damn Girl Scouts are here selling their cookies!!!?
    And then I had to check swing my thought process away from the preprogrammed dub-dumb mindset into my new, liberated mind.
    And then I thought,
    ? Great, this cute little Girl Scout is here selling her delicious cookies. I want to help the Girl Scouts out and I?m going to buy some boxes of cookies from her!?
    Freedom from the WTS and it?s evil mindset. 
    I often still have to remind myself that I am free.
    I have to still check-swing my thoughts, but I?m slowly getting my head around to wishing for the best in all people as my first thought when I meet someone who is not a JW.
    Man, it is taking a while to allow myself to enjoy all of the wonderful and good things that life has to offer, but I?m really trying to get out of that awful JW mindset.
    BTW, I got the Thin Mints and the Peanut Butter/Chocolate cookies! 
  • Mulan

    We always bought cookies or candy from them, when we were active JW's. We had neighbor kids who came to the house and I couldn't resist. I think all the JW's I knew bought them too. Never thought anything about it.

    Now, I don't buy them. I can't eat them, so I avoid them. The kids who used to sell them grew up and there aren't as many children in our neighborhood now. They are usually at the grocery stores, outside, which is probably a lot safer now anyway.

  • Nosferatu

    Winston, I miss Girl Scout cookies. My mother used to buy them before she turned dub, and I just loved them! Then after the dubs changed her mind, I was so disappointed when my mother wouldn't buy the cookies.

    I haven't seen girl scouts selling cookies in years. If I ever do, I'll be sure to buy some!

  • xjw_b12

    LOL @ Winston.

    Amazing how that JW mindset permeated all aspects of our lives, to the point of turning down eager boys and girls at our doors, a lot of who grow up to become good citizens, contibutors to society.

    When the Girl Guides came to our home late last year, we were in the middle of making egg rolls. We bought 4 boxes, and gave them a couple of freshly cooked egg rolls and sent them on their way.

    "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes -- I bought quite a few packets of Girl Scout Cookies this year -- the chocolate covered peanut butter patties are wonderful

  • simplesally

    We didn't buy them because if the group was considered something that JW's could not join (patriotic, etc) then it was something we could not support via purchasing their cookies. The first year out: I bought a couple packs from my niece! Now, I won't buy them because I don't want to add to my "bottom" line.

  • wannaexit

    As a hard-core Jw, I hardly ever gave to any kid that gave to my door. I hardly ever gave to any charity. Why would I want to give money to wordly people when I could give it to the society? The odd time that I did give anything I felt guilty for days. AAAAAAAARGH!

    Now I love it when children come to the door selling cookies or chocolates. I am making up for all the times I turned these poor kids away. I love to see the smiles on their faces.


  • Xena

    BTW, I got the Thin Mints and the Peanut Butter/Chocolate cookies!

    Good man Only next time don't waste your money on the peanut butter ones...just stick with the mint ones they are the best! oh and put them in the freezer...you will thank me later...

  • ambush23

    being an expert on girl scout cookies and jw cultisims, i must say that my parents acted very hypocritically in supporting the girl scouts in thier christian endevars, i whole heartedly support them, for no other reason than they have damm good cookies

  • xjw_b12


    just stick with the mint ones they are the best! oh and put them in the freezer...you will thank me later...

    Bang on Girl. Then you can crush them up over vanilla ice cream.


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