Three Bethelite couples have left and arrived in our circuit. I know their circumstances fairly well.
Couple 1 (Sensible) (Age late 30's) Been there at least ten years. Saw the writing on the wall (and noted the unChristian behaviour and superciliousness of some at London Branch), left of their own accord using wife's "depression" as a reason in 2015, stayed with relatives for nine months and set up a small janitorial "mama and papa" business and rent a small flat.
He is still an elder, but neither pioneer and they are setting themselves up sensibly but modestly. Like he said to me "who knows how long this system will go on for? I won't get a state pension until I'm over 70 ...". She doesn't seem so depressed anymore.
Couple 2 (Sensible) (Age 40 ish) Booted out in 2016. They were surprised, Wife secretly pleased to be going. Fortunately had only been in Bethel for seven years and had already bought or were buying an apartment. He had a trade (Electrician) before and after going into Bethel and she did "A levels" before pioneering.
He has started his own self employed business and she works as a clerical officer for a local government department to keep the money coming in for mortgage payments and food. She seems much happier out.
Couple 3 (Completely floored!) Age early 50's. Booted out in 2016. Twenty five years Bethel service. Not a snooty pair but completely dumbfounded that they were asked to leave. No property. No kids. Renting a flat in a rough part of town off of "an unbelieving husband" - he is doing oddjobs for himself and janitorial work for a younger brother and she is doing secretarial work for the NHS.
He is "lost" - she is pioneering. They look depressed but are digging deep into the cult and putting on "brave face" . He was interviewed at his kingdom hall and he admitted "the bottom had fallen out of his world".
He did the same interview a fortnight later at the circuit assembly except that it was spun differently in as much as she was pioneering and he was serving faithfully as an elder in a congregation that needed help. No mention of the bottom falling out of his world on the assembly platform, eh?