Mine is : JWs preach that the entire population of the Earth has been deceived .
"Do You think that 8 million are being deceived?" Ways to answer this?
by BottleGate_ 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Blind Leading The Blind..simple
Respond with do you think 1.5 billion Muslims are being deceived?
yes appeal to numbers will get them nowhere
All religions are deceptive.......... it's in their very nature.
Since god doesn't communicate........ everything that is about god is a bad translation of that silence.
JW: Do you think that 8 million are being deceived?
Magnum: Of course, I do. Are you implying that because there are 8 million JWs, they must be right?
[if JW answers "yes"] Then, by your logic, Catholics must be more right since there are 1.2 billion of them, and Muslims even more right since there are 1.8 billion of them.
[if JW answers "no"] Then, what's your point?
I don't know about the other 7,999,999, but I sure the hell was deceived!
Every single person that has been involved with the WTS going back to the late 1800's has been deceived.
Its not just 8 million now !
Its somewhat surprising that so many people did not realize that the created doctrines made by the WTS/JWS had little relevance to the literature proliferation of what the WTS was trying to achieve.
The leaders of this organization even called themselves god's chosen ones.
Believers in God that can be traced back to the Bible Jews muslims and Christians both Catholic and Protestant.
Muslims approx. 1.5 Billion
Catholics " 1.2 Billion
Protestants " 1.0 Billion
Jewish # " 9 Million # Jewish / People -Faith
That`s nearly half of the Worlds total population isn`t it ?
How does that lot stand up with 8.5 Million Jehovahs Witnesses ,just who is God blessing ?
Organized religion IS deception.
The question posed is ridiculous to start with and deserves no response other than a chuckle and a "you betcha"......