Gadget that's a really good one. Basically I want something which will shut this guy up and make him think. Something that will pierce his smug patina of self righteous ness and cut to the core. Something which may plant the seed of doubt. He's an asshole, but he is my father.
Advice please
by Satans little helper 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just look at him, point at him and start laughing your heart out.
That that that poor slob still believes in that garbage? Ha hahahha
Gut starts to hurt from laughing. -
"My relationship with my creator is a personal one and I don't wish to discuss it with you ... thanks very much ..."
Obviously you are getting together to do something together, but why are you doing so? If you asked him to do something for you, he would probably do it for you because your his son and he loves you. If you put a gun to his head and threaten to kill him if he doesn't do what you ask him, he would still do it but would it be for different reasons? And what sort of horrible person would that make you if you would do that to some one you love? Certainly someone I wouldn't want anything to do with. And what about Jehovah, is he going to kill your father if he doesn't do every little thing he tells him to do? What sort of person does that make Jehovah?
I agree with the response that it's a personal relationship that everyone has between them and God and then tell him that you think it's pretty presumtuous of him to think he needs to act as an intermediary between you and God when he is just as sinful as everyone else. Point out to him in the Bible when people would enter the holy of holies and burn their own incense when, at the time, the priests were required to be intermediaries, how God struck them dead for daring to be so presumtuous. Then remind him that we are not under Mosaic Law anymore and to step in between you and your God is VERY presumtuous and that you don't appreciate it.
Lately I have had to endure some VERY PERSISTENT grandmas, intent on bringing me in to the fold. I think the ticket is not in WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. Remain calm, quiet, "humble". Then say what you mean, firmly, with direct eye contact. Wait for the hiccup, the stumbled reply, then quickly change the subject to something innocuous. It works. They don't come back for a second round.
When one grandma told me that the air and water are poisoned and she could hardly wait for the big A, I quietly said "I disagree." Shoulda seen her double-take. She asked why, and I told her. She has kept her distance since.
Equally irritating are the women who want me to agree that it was a lovely talk.