Todays paper had this new law layed out a little more reader friendly. .. so I thought.
New guidelines laid down Friday by the Supreme Court of Canada on the "reasonable" use of force to discipline children.
1.- Parents will not face criminal charges for "minor" corporal punishment of children aged two through twelve.
2.- Corporal punishment unacceptable for children under two and for teenagers.
3.- No use of implements other than the open hand, such as rulers or belts.
4.- No striking of child on face or head.
5.- Discipline must be for "educational" or "corrective" purposes, not motivated by anger or frustration.
6.- There must be no lasting bodily harm.
7.- Punishment must not be "inhuman" or "degrading."
8.- Corporal punishment in schools is unacceptable. Teachers may restrain students, for example to escort them from classroom, but must not hit them.
..Personally, this could probably be a hot button topic to discuss. I feel this new law is definitely better than previously. Guidelines are better and more precise.
I personally have never, ever.. hit my kids.. and never will. Time outs worked well, reasoning worked well, and consistency worked well... and when older responsibility for their own actions worked well.
And for Sassy, (love ya).. My kids went through what I call the "bathroom words stage".. whenever they started using all those words they were given time out in the bathroom to say those words as much as they wanted there and not anywhere else. May seem ridiculous, but it worked and left their dignity in tact. No washing mouths out with soap in my house.
special k