I'm trying to be like Valis!

by pr_capone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone
    Now, how to get that short hair into dreadlocks????

    lmao.... it used to be shorer, damn near shaved off completely.

    I'm gonna let it grow out long tho. I think I will leave the dreads to Travis tho. :D

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • little witch
    little witch

    (pinching your cheeks) LOL

    You sure are a handsome fella. I really like the tat. I am thinking of getting another. I like the tribal on the lower back. Or a calf length pretty sumpin' sumpin'.

  • shamus

    You gotta start pulling the legs off spiders and wings off flies before you can be like VAlisu, LOL!

  • pr_capone
    You gotta start pulling the legs off spiders and wings off flies before you can be like VAlisu, LOL!

    I have burned a couple of ants with a magnifying glass... does that count?

    You sure are a handsome fella.

    *blushes* TY!

    I really like the tat. I am thinking of getting another. I like the tribal on the lower back. Or a calf length pretty sumpin' sumpin'.

    Ohhhhh.... sounds nice! Post it when you get it!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • slipnslidemaster

    Looking good mang! I'll be your sweet bitch anyday! *pinch* *pinch*

  • pr_capone
    Looking good mang! I'll be your sweet bitch anyday!

    Werent you alredy?!?!?!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Jade

    Nice tat PR. Good to see you, hope all is well.

  • SheilaM

    Nice tat....I have thought about getting one on my lowerback I wouldl love to do something with the flowers or colors of my children and Thunders birth month. Maybe something to remember Bub who would have been born this next month had he made it


    Pr_Capone: it's so nice to see you here again, man I missed you here.

    Nice tattoos.

    Hey SheilaM....how's that dragonfly coming along?

    I am serious. If I use it, your initials will get credit on my inner arm.

    Eric....good to see you back. We missed you!

  • JH

    Yes, it is nice to see you again PR.

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