Comments You Will Not Hear at the 2-1-04 WT Study

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lonestar13

    Blondie- great review. To be honest, these reviews should not really be that difficult becuase each week it pretty much the same thing over and over again:

    Do More...avoid Materialism...complacency...have a sense of urgency...and other buzzwords.

    Wasn't there a recent study article about giving materially to the society in order to "further kingdom interests"? How does the WTS expect "window cleaners" to afford giving to them AND support a family while the wife pioneers (the whole bit about supporting at least one family member in the pioneer ministry)? Maybe if they "allowed" the R&F to go to college all these years, they would be getting better monetary support!

    Pistoff- that list of words taken from the wt is horrible to say the least. This will not leave one feeling motivated, rather it will make one think that Jehovah is a God impossible to please and they will give up without even trying. That is what I did. Even when 'pioneering' I was made to feel like a failure for not meeting the hour requirement. Yet and still I was out in the ministry more than the average publisher, or even the average Elder!! Once I stopped pioneering, I told myself that I would never do it again. And then there was the service meeting part about pioneering, the ones that come around every July or August right before the start of the service year. The ones that said if you have proper love for god and neighbor you will be moved to pioneer. That was it!!! I didn't want to pioneer so that HAD to mean that I didn't love Jehovah!!! What fallicy! And what a horrible way for a man made religion to define love of God. Re-read Acts 10:34, 35!!!!!!!!

  • sf

    Nice study.

    I grabbed this from the post:

    Does taking care of unnecessary material possessions, consume a lot of our time and energy? The more we own, the more we have to maintain, insure, and protect. Could it be our advantage to simply our life by freeing ourselves of certain belongings?

    Hmmmm, now you don't suppose they are speaking of computer internet access, do you? It is " a tool of Satan" after all. Nawww, couldn't be that cruel to it's members, could they?

    blondie, I never really used to read these studies. Yet lately, I am beginning to see the importance of doing counter the jw at the door and online.

    Thank you for your time.


  • BluesBrother

    Fear of death seems to be the motivating factor of this weeks study, which of course sets the theme for the Yeartext , so it will face them every time they enter the hall.

    Par 1, would be enough to startle the casual reader , although it is common stuff to the congo "Battle, fury anguish and distress , certain to come , etc"

    Par 9, discusses Rev 16, "Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments" I remember being told that this came from the Jerusalem Temple where a sleepy guard would be stripped , beaten and sent home naked. We are told today "The outer garments .......refer to what identifies us as Christian Witnesses of Jehovah". So , once again if you fall "Out of the Truth" you are as good as dogfood..

    What right have they to say that, who made them the judges? What about the billions of ordinary people in this world who just get along in their lives and care for their families and have little time or opportunity to do anything else? We are all going to get slaughtered by the "God of Love" according to this warped creed

    Rant over now..

    Par14. "People in general pursue overindulgence in food, drunkenness etc" Do they? some do of course but an awful lot more would like to just get enough to eat , let alone over do it. It is part of the Watchtower tactics to rubbish the world outside. I really used to believe that "Worldly people were wicked underneath their nice exterior "Otherwise they would be in the truth" . have you not heard that?

    Now I now that it was WT propaganda to take the worst of things and apply it to everyone .....

    Of course the next issue to study has the chart of results for the Service Year 2003. With a derisory 2.2 incease worlwide, perhaps they see a need to turn on the pressure. More of that no doubt next week

  • Beans

    Yes Blondie this is a silent time for the Watchtower! The spiritual cast is on the bone and the healing process is in full swing. Soon many will forget how the bone was broken and words are preparing the flock for forgetting and a new hope is on the horizon.

    I predict 5 years of hard words of disception as December 15th was the latest silent prediction!


  • joe_from_kokomo

    I loved your article. Excellent piece. I wished I had thought of the concealed pen radio. It would have been helpful when I was still in, to keep my sanity. (Then again, I might have stayed longer, if I was there but tuned in to another station... oh well.)

    I am sure attendance today will be down, down, down, and none of the brothers will be really paying attention anyway. Instead, they're probably all be thinking or planning about the Super Bowl.

    Perhaps the society should throw in something about the worship of false idols such as football teams and its inherent materialism (vis a vie the multi-million dollar TV ads in the Super Bowl).

  • jimbob

    Hi Blondie. I always enjoy reading your watchtower comments, but sometimes when I read them, it just makes me so angry. When I read that BS about not having kids, and not pursuing a secular made me so mad. They have such control over the R&F. It is not even their place to be telling anyone to not have kids, or not go to school. Especially when it was mentioned that they send their own to law school, but of course, that's for the Watchtower's benefit, not anyone else's. God I'm glad I don't believe in that crap anymore!!!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Hi Blondie - I have been enjoying your posts for quite a while, and want to thank you for all your hard work and research. Since I attend the meeting almost every Sunday, I would like to make a simple request that I hope you don't mind. Would you be able to type in the paragraph number so I can more quickly relate it to the lesson?

    Thanks so much


  • blondie


    Hello, my fellow German. You must understand that the WTS rules apply only to the rank and file not to the organization. After visiting Patterson, I knew that the WTS was preparing a fancy retirement village for the older Bethelites. No room with a sink and group shower and toilets down the hall for them. They felt they "deserved" it because of their full-time service. Like there are part-time Christians, aren?t all JWs full-time Christians?

    (Rev 22:7,12,20) I had to give a talk on that once. I managed to get sick and cancel.


    The WTS wants you to put them and their goals in the forefront, but the RF interests and needs are on page 33! Don't worry about wives and children or even retirement. If you do then you lack faith! You bad, bad, selfish human!

    Just remember, that the end is just around the corner. You won?t need that retirrement. My mother is glad she has her retirement. I told her once that if she had been a "faithful" JW she would have trusted in God and sent that money to New York. She said a bad word.

    Will Power (my fine lady)

    Instead of being a sign of "his presence" this piece of sound medical advice could be warning of the Monday morning heart attack

    The thing to remember is what Jesus was talking about was the time period that would follow from 33 CE to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, something you rarely here the WTS discuss. So it was something immediate he was warning them about.


    You are paying attention at the conventions, more than rank and file, I?m sure.

    eagerly absorb every tale of woe. Further "evidence" that the end is near!

    JWs live for the end. They aren?t like Abraham who served God knowing the end was not coming in his lifetime. They live for a date. Their love for God is conditional.


    I?m sorry to hear your husband feels this way.

    he feels bad about himself, he feels that it's his fault.

    Hey if he had that kind of control over you, you?d be in the organization, right?

    Just show him love, hugs and kisses, sincere compliments. I?m sure you are doing that already. It will contrast with the "love" he gets at the KH.


    Most JWs just tune it out and think it applies to others in the congregation.

    it is a wonder there aren't more suicides among the witnesses.

    The WTS is a negative organization, not life-affirming. They drive people to be perfect when even God does not have that expectation.

    Well, wannaexit,

    You certainly know how to make your point. Just a comment, go back to school if you haven?t already. I did; and I still take a class here and there. Education is not a goal but life?s path.

    People are getting tired at the KH. They are reading the answers more and more. I bumped into a sister from my old congregation and she said she missed my comments so much and she wasn?t must being polite. I just tell them to read a scripture that isn?t quoted and make a personal application or give a life?s experience.

    Hi, BZ,

    and "Do as they say (keep on the watch) but do not do as they do" (beat your fellow slaves)

    Oooh, this is one of my favorite scriptures. It is so true of those in charge in the WTS.


    I gave up 10 years of good income that could have gotten me into a house sooner, built up my retirement account.

    I share those feelings too. But you have a treasure I?ll never have, a little child. What a joy! Make sure she gets a good education so she can take care of dear old mom (smile).


    I too was regular pioneer. I remember struggling to meet the time requirements. No 70 hours back then. I found an experience in the publications of a sister with 6 children, an opposed husband, and no car who regular pioneered. Any time someone bugged me about regular pioneering, I would pull that out and read it to them and say based on that all of us should be pioneering. I didn?t get hassled twice by that person (usually an elder).


    I?m glad you find something useful in the reviews. In order to fight an enemy, you have to know them.

    Hmmmm, now you don't suppose they are speaking of computer internet access, do you?

    Could be, especially when it comes to using time. They are talking about DVDs, CD players, video games, boats, snowmobiles, jetskis, RVs, anything that takes money and time away from the WTS.


    What right have they to say that, who made them the judges? What about the billions of ordinary people in this world who just get along in their lives and care for their families and have little time or opportunity to do anything else? We are all going to get slaughtered by the "God of Love" according to this warped creed

    My feelings exactly. The WTS is not the judge of who is a true Christian. I am secure in letting God decide since he knows what is in people?s hearts


    I predict 5 years of hard words of disception as December 15th was the latest silent prediction!

    They will condition those who still have years to wait as those in their 70?s and 80?s die off wondering, "I thought the end was going to come in my lifetime" as they breathe their last.


    I am sure attendance today will be down, down, down, and none of the brothers will be really paying attention anyway. Instead, they're probably all be thinking or planning about the Super Bowl.

    In my area the morning meetings are well attended and the afternoon ones are ghost towns. Everyone has SuperBowl parties which start around 2 oclock. One time it was the CO?s visit and he did have something in his final talk about the lack of attendance in the afternoon.

    I once mentioned that there would be no organized sports in the "new system" and 2 elders said why not. Duh?


    When I read that BS about not having kids, and not pursuing a secular made me so mad

    Actually, the rank and file are a pretty passive aggressive group nowadays, at least in my area. They go to school and have children, basically giving the WTS the finger. The elders buy or build new homes and the rest follow their lead. Fewer and fewer young people are getting baptized, let alone regular pioneering or going to Bethel. The WTS is mad, very mad, thus these articles. They are going to have to come up with a credible date again to get them moving.


    I will try.

    Would you be able to type in the paragraph number so I can more quickly relate it to the lesson?

    I do split them to make my comments. I will put them in parentheses (1).

    Blondie (a Christian who has stuff)

  • Pistoff

    Ugh. I actually went to the WT today, CO and all ya know, and I went to be with my fam.

    Dunderheaded comment of the day:

    "We eat three meals a day, if we don't eat regularly we will die; so we need spiritual food every day, or we will die spiritually."

    I hate crappy analogies, and this is one for sure, especially because the speaker/commenter always applies it to reading the daytext, or making all "five" spiritual meals a week.

    This sounds good at first, but then I remember those five meetings: an hourly study of a book that says nothing but 1919 1919 1919; a one hour meeting to help us be better speakers that has been dumbed down to the max; the "counselor" usually cannot discern speaking issues, and does not have the ability or courage to challenge the ones who really need help...followed by yet another hour of "admonition" about a "ministry" that consists of reading prepackaged sermonettes about literature that is embarassingly written, to people who know more than the average witness about the trouble inside the org.

    And let's not forget the public talk; most of the time from an out of date outline and filled with buzzwords about our "worship" of Jehovah, consisting of 5 meetings a week, reading "bible based publications" and going to conventions for more of the same. Last, and least, the WT study, a weekly beating given to the faithful wherein they learn that they are inherently sinful, can't trust their conscience and have to approach God through a "spirit-directed" organization.

    Starving to death spiritually never sounded so good.

    One enjoyable talk from the CO today wherein he reminded us not to be judgemental of depressed ones; too bad we can't expect NY to be so understanding.

    Of course, it was prefaced with a talk about FEARING Jehovah, fearing displeasing him...loaded with fire scriptures from the OT. Hmm....I seem to recall a scrip from 1 John 4:18 that says

    "perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love."

    A long week; I am glad it is over.

    Now I can go back to 10-20% attendance. The less I go, the better I feel.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Blondie-- and contributors to the thread -- on-the-money observations, all. The articles yet another of the Society's frontal assault on normalcy, a futile attempt to bully their flock away from the direction their inherent instincts are leading them, i.e. in the direction of seeking self esteem and enjoyment of a life-affirming, self-fulfilling, enriching personal existence. Little wonder that, rather than subect themselves to the stress of an outright rebellion, the dubbies find it less stressful to just tune this stuff out, and proceed merrily along with their plans of home and auto ownership, vacations, funding their childrens' education, etc. The less they listen, the more strident the message from the top.

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