Facts Jehovah?s Witnesses WON?T TELL YOU When
calling at your door.
By Lorri MacGregor
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, USA, was
founded over 100 years ago by Charles Taze Russell, who had no theological training, but
adopted the title, ?Pastor?. His ideas were strange right from the beginning.
1. Early Watchtower magazines (3/15/13 & 1/15/12) reveal that he believed a person?s desire
to worship God was due to the shape of their brain. He believed that if a dog?s head were
shaped like a man?s, the dog would think like a man!
2. He offered health advice too, believing appendicitis and typhoid fever were caused by
?biting worms in the colon?.
3. He sold ?miracle wheat? at greatly inflated prices. Despite all this, his followers then (and
now) believed that he was God?s ?faithful and discreet slave? referred to in Matthew 24:45.
After his death, his legacy, the Watch Tower organization became this sole channel for God
in the eyes of its followers.
4. THAT Jesus Christ (who is Michael the Archangel in their doctrine) is mediator for only a
small, elite, group within their ranks called the ?anointed remnant?. Others must come to this
group who control the organization and earn their salvation by absolute obedience to it.
5. THAT all religions except their?s are of Satan, and your Pastor or Priest is under the Devil?s
6. THAT the Watchtower Society is the only source of truth on earth today, and all churches
teach error and will be destroyed at Armageddon.
7. THAT the cross is a pagan symbol of sex worship, and that all buildings or persons displaying
the cross are likewise pagan. Jehovah?s Witnesses deny that Jesus died on the cross.
However, ?new light? in the Watchtower Magazine has admitted they are not certain about
the cross, but will continue to deny it anyway.
8. THAT no one goes to heaven but 144,000 Jehovah?s Witnesses, and your soul will be
destroyed if you refuse to join their organization.
9. THAT the Christ child was only an ?IT?, not a ?HE?. See the New World Translation , Luke
10. THAT Jesus was not the Christ (or Messiah) until age 30, even though their own bible says
in Luke 2:11, ?because there was born to you today a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.?
11. THAT after Jesus was buried in the tomb, Jehovah dissolved his body into gasses and it
disappeared forever.
12. THAT Jesus rose invisibly in three days, so Jehovah had to ?materialize? a fake body for
him complete with fake nail prints so His disciples would believe it was really Jesus risen.
13. THAT Armageddon and Christ?s second coming were foretold to happen in 1874, 1914,
1925 and 1975 by this ?non-prophet? organization.
14. THAT when Christ failed to show up in 1914 The Society claimed in later years that He
had come?invisibly?of course, and all Jehovah?s Witnesses believe this today.
15. THAT Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob etc., were to be back on earth as perfect humans in
1925. The Society built a palatial home for them BUT, when the patriarchs failed to show up,
the President of the Society moved in.
16. THAT their light gets ?brighter and brighter?, allowing for the many changes and ?about
faces? on their doctrines. Yesterday?s error is today?s ?truth?. Often the ?light? bounces back
and forth from old to new views and back again! Does real light return to darkness?
17. THAT the Watchtower Society and its followers are all prophets of God today and the
Governing Body is directed by angels from God.
18. THAT salvation for Society members consists of doing the good works of placing Watchtower
books and magazines and winning converts.
19. THAT soon Jehovah God will become a GRANDFATHER and Jesus will be promoted to
20. THAT Jehovah God is not omnipresent, but still Almighty. Think! How can this be?
They have NOT BEEN TOLD ?By the leadership of the Society21. THAT when they translated their New World Translation of the Bible they deliberately
altered almost every scripture on the Deity of Christ, to make him only a creature.
22. THAT the Society used a translation by a SPIRIT MEDIUM, Johannes Greber, to support
their rendering of John 1:1 with full knowledge that his sources were DEMONIC. Greber was
exposed in the Feb. 15/56 W.T. However in 1961 they released a translation based on his
occult one then denied they knew what they were doing on page 31 of the Apr. 1, 1983
23. THAT none of their ?translating committee? knew Biblical Greek or Hebrew. No scholars at
24. THAT Fred Franz, who for many years headed the Society, perjured himself under oath in
Scotland in a court trial, by saying he could read Hebrew, and then failing a simple Hebrew
25. THAT the following encyclopedias consider the name ?JEHOVAH? to be FALSE Merits
Student Enc.; Encyclopedia Americana; The Jewish Encyclopedia; Encyclopedia International,
The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible; The New Catholic Encyclopedia; The Universal
Jewish Encyclopedia, etc.
26. Jehovah?s Witness?s own ?Aid? book admits on pages 884 & 885 that ?Jehovah? was first
recorded by a Catholic monk about 700 years ago!
27. THAT the date 1874 was taught for Christ?s invisible presence by the Society until l929.
(See their book, ?Prophecy?, p. 65. sold until 1941. Also WT. Jan 1, 1924, p. 5.)
28. THAT top executives of the Society have admitted under oath that they forced their members
to accept false prophecies or face disfellowshipping and be found worthy of death.
29. THAT true salvation is FREE (Ephesians 2: 8 & 9), and consists of receiving Christ as
your Savior. (John 1:12 , John 6: 28, 29).
In Summary30. We find the Watchtower Society practicing their belief that it is proper to deceive people.
But they say this really isn?t lying. Why? Because the Society has a different definition of
lying than most of us. In their book ?AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING? under the word ?LIE?
we read:
Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is ENTITLED to know the truth?. While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it.Of course it is the Watchtower leaders that decide WHO deserves to know the truth.
DO YOU DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH?Write to us for further help or documentation on this information.
Mrs. Lorri MacGregor
MacGregor Ministries
Box 294
Nelson B.C. V1L 5P9
phone: (205) 352-9327
e-mail: [email protected]