Michael Jackson's Mom/Firpo Carr/William's Sister

by ExpandedMind 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ExpandedMind


    How can "active" JWs such as MJ's Mom, Firpo Carr and the William's sister who attended MJs support party, openly support him (because he is an exJW) without getting reproved or disfellowshipped by the organization? I know that we don't see what goes on behind the scenes, perhaps the do get a "talking to" by the elders, but it seems lately that certain active JWs are more bold about associating openly with exJWs.

    Has anyone ever read anything about MJs Mom's justification of her on-going relationship with MJ? Or the others? I realize that situations like this (JWs associating with exJWs) go on all the time in the organization; it is nothing new. But you'd think that "faithful" JWs, like MJs Mom, would be fearful of the repercussions of openly supporting him.



  • Amazing

    Good points Expandedmind,

    When I lived in California, an Elder moved into our congregation from Michael's Jackson's congregation. He sat on the JC that reproved Michael regarding the film, Thriller. Sometime later, Michael was again accused of another JW violation that resulted in being summoned to a JC ... then, he told us that Michal wrote a letter and Disassociated himself.

    Clearly, any active loyal JWs should not be involved with Michael Jackson. And, any JWs like Firpo, etc. who do, should themselves be brought before a JC ... that would be the case were they ordinary low-profile JWs ... but no, they are well known and at any moment can be in the media ... and that spotlight alone seems to restrain the Watchtower goons.

  • Satanus

    Are the williamses baptised? I thought i heard that they weren't.


    It's good to have those details on mj.


  • Mulan

    Firpo Carr is a JW????

  • ExpandedMind

    Hi, Amazing, SaintSatan and Mulan!

    Amazing, I think you're correct when you wrote: "they are well known and at any moment can be in the media ... and that spotlight alone seems to restrain the Watchtower goons." That may even be the case with Greg Stafford not being DF'd (unless something has happened recently). Maybe the Watchtower Society realizes that to take action against these persons who are prominent, would unleash MORE negative information about the Society.

    I don't wish any backlash on any of these persons. Maybe they are acting according to their conscience and feel that whatever happens, so be it. It just seems a bit unfair that the "rank and file" can't (openly) do the same, at least not without a more immediate response from the elders.

    SaintSatan and Mulan, I am not positive about the Williams sisters... I read an article that indicated they go door to door (or at at one point did) but that doesn't necessarily mean they are baptized. But I do believe that other articles I've read about Firpo Carr indicate he is a JW.

    Thanks for your responses!


  • DevonMcBride

    This morning on the news they referred to Firpo Carr as MJ's spiritual advisor.


  • jukief

    Firpo Carr is a longtime JW apologist. Alan has his book about black and the JWs. http://www.freeminds.org/african/firpocar2.htm

  • Englishman

    Good heavens, it's Jukie F.

    I was thinking about you earlier today as I downed a few pints of good ale. You OK, Julie?


  • jukief

    Hi Mike!!! I'm fine, thanks. But I'd give almost anything to be back in Weston-super-Mare having a pint with you and Nige. :-)

  • Leolaia

    I was wondering the same thing when I saw him on CNN. Despite his being a longtime apologist, was he still "in good standing" before getting involved in the current brouhaha?

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