I wonder if they would display the Letters Rutherford wrote to Hitler?
Patterson New Visitor Centre & Museum Announced
by raymond frantz 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Vidiot2 days ago
Worth a shot, I s’pose.Taking a page from Ken Ham’s playbook, huh?
I think what may be going more than imitating Ken Ham is that they are trying to compete with Steve Green and his millions from Hobby Lobby, specifically with his huge Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. The GB would rather have their faithful visit Warwick, Selters, and now Patterson instead of the ark exhibit south of Cincinnati in Kentucky or the MOTB in Washington.
BTW, the MOTB has proven to be quite a scandal:
Since the Greens are so politically involved (right wing, of course), they've drawn a lot of fire. The org's projects are so much smaller and they are so removed from the big bad world that no-one outside of Witnessland will take note of their projects.
It's got to be someone's pet project. The sectarian bubble requires substitutions for the world outside. Replacement friends and family, replacement music, replacement TV/movies, replacement history museums. Increasingly common is replacement schooling. (home school aka, no schooling) Years ago, we locally had replacement dances and picnics, game nights. They were the best memories I have of the church. I heard they kiboshed these types of gatherings some years ago. I wonder if they might rethink that.
I heard they kiboshed these types of gatherings some years ago. I wonder if they might rethink that.
Never under the umbrella of being a "Congregation Event". Too much liability. Game parties are common here, but they are private events of the hosts who must obviously must assume the liability and who control who is invited and it's never the full congregation nor an open invitation. No booze. No minors without their parents.
I had to google references to Ken Ham. What a nut!
He has quite the museum. :)
Children playing with dinosaurs...lol. Reminds me of the old NWT maps -inside covers with dinosaurs in bible times.
I love it when Gentiles dress up "like Jews" and play "Israel" for other Gentiles in fake "Israel-Land" based on (and this is my favorite part) the New Testament.
Never under the umbrella of being a "Congregation Event". Too much liability. Game parties are common here, but they are private events of the hosts who must obviously must assume the liability and who control who is invited and it's never the full congregation nor an open invitation. No booze. No minors without their parents.
Yes card game parties are very common here. Pretty much every weekend someone has a fire and play cards. Everyone is expected to bring a bottle of booze and maybe some homemade food.
We have had reminders to try to provide hospitality to everyone in the congregation not just the same ones, but there seems to be a thing going on where if you are invited to someone’s place then you have to invite them to yours in return. It’s even been said who’s turn is it.
At least Ken Ham has employees and contractors that he has to pay.
Was thinking the same.
Is it possible to clue the governments up about their fraudulent costs? That cannot be legal, surely?
Pioneer schminoneer I love it when Gentiles dress up "like Jews" and play "Israel" for other Gentiles in fake "Israel-Land" based on (and this is my favorite part) the New Testament.
Yeah...how come that's not "cultural appropriation"?? 😂
Keep them busy!