When JWs ask one of the Anointed just how they "know" that they are anointed, they are really asking what it is that God does via the Holy Spirit that tells them they are chosen. A "Bolt" of Lightening? A rush of the Wind? A tingling Feeling? But, they are sadly disappointed to learn the same party line response. I have tried to deal with this by citing some good points on what happens, but, unfortunately it only works with JWs, and as ex-JWs it is not the same because we already view the WTS as a fraud. However, beyond how I understand 'anointing' then as limited and now as for all Christians, I am no better as explaining this. BUT ...
One thing that Jesus and the Apostles noted was that sin against the Holy Spirit was a cause for never being forgiven. I will not debate my views on this now, however, I would like to point out something that I believe should cause concern for those who think Holy Spirit is operating on them:
All of what we learned about sin against the Holy Spirit was not to actively blaspheme or resist its operation. These are sin of commission. What many fail to understand, and it may be what JWs fail to understand about their own religion, is that the 'sin' of Ommission against the Holy Spirit is just as serious.
How does that Work? When a person claims that the Holy Spirit is operating on them when the Holy Spirit has made no such operation, or they do not have any substantive evidence to support such a claim, or worse yet, the evidence demonstrates that their claim must be false; hence false prophecy, then by that they or more precisely their religious leaders and organization are walkling where even Angels dare not tread.
These people who claim the Holy Spirit operates to appoint Elders or leaders or chooses their religion over others, or they claim toi have a unique Divine mission, and they have nothing from God to prove it, they are liars, and it is suggestive are walking the same dangerous ground as the WTS, making themselves something more than they are.
And this is an issue that sickens me, and with that when I run across people of this ilk, whether they are JW, fundies, or other wide-eye spirit-filled boobs, I get rather caustic. This, I suppose is one of the reasons that I finally left H20, too many spirit-filled people making claims ... and the shade of Watch Tower are too painful and strong to stomach such. Just venting. - Amazing