Why do most Ex jW W‘s seem to be liberal?

by JaredScott-1977 42 Replies latest social current

  • moomanchu

    I've become more conservative as I aged.

    Wisdom? I like to think that is the reason.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Not I.

    "Mongol General: What is best in life?
    Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

    By Crom!

  • Vidiot
    TonusOH - I think one reason they do not align with the political right (at least in the USA) is because the political right is often closely aligned with ‘Christendom’.”

    Don’t kid yourself.

    If they actually managed to pull off Project 2025, the WTS would absolutely play ball.

  • LongHairGal


    If the ex-JWs are younger, they would not remember the better and more prosperous USA that the Boomers experienced.

    So, they would be more inclined to lean liberal - imagining this is a ‘good’ thing.🙄 Being as you can’t miss what you never knew they embrace all the liberal ideologies. I also blame the educational system in the country for not doing a better job teaching history. (Maybe this is by design.) You can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been.

    Too many liberals have no respect or gratitude for living here. I can’t count how many times I heard some idiot (usually a Witness but not always) say derogatory things about the country (and some of these JWs were collecting disability!).. Yes, I can understand there are things wrong with the country that need to be addressed, but these people have no appreciation at all and they truly don’t deserve to experience the benefits of living here.

  • liam
    Too many liberals have no respect or gratitude for living here. I can’t count how many times I heard some idiot (usually a Witness but not always) say derogatory things about the country (and some of these JWs were collecting disability!)

    LHG, I totally agree. A few days ago, maybe it was weeks ago, the elections messed my Time Clock, I was musing over on exjw reddit. which is hard left to the core. One person posted the phrase; "God Bless America" and immediately tons of people contacted the moderators and they removed his post. I forgot the excuse that was given for removing his post but it was so lame.

    Yet most of the same posters always point out to those leaving the WT to get help from Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and other sources of help that this Country offers but from the other side of the mouth they belittle the Country that helps them in so many ways.

    And anytime someone posted that they were going to vote for Trump because he is against War and Crime, and Open borders, there were literally hundred plus that down voted him and demean the person. Their arguments made no sense.

    I personally am very grateful for America. I'm kind of young and yet the way this Country works allows me to live a very comfortable life. I took a lot of classes in Political Science when I was in College, My uncle paid for my College because he wanted me to be a lawyer. But he passed and I choose something else because being a lawyer is not something I really enjoy. But what I did learn is how the political system works.

    I was Democrat but I changed to liberal and I don't vote for a party, I vote for people who have policies that are against War, Crime, Open Borders. The economy doesn't affect me too much but it does affect the people I love, so a good economy is also a priority.

    None of this woke stuff for me or belittling the Country.

  • Jehalapeno

    If you grow up in a cult that’s anti-gay, anti-sexuality, anti-abortion, where you’re discouraged from having wild parties, experimenting with substances, it’s easy to go full leftist socially after deconstructing your faith.

    I experienced that after leaving. I didn’t know anything about politics, but I was full on Bernie Bro when I left. Then, the DNC did Bernie nasty in 2016, so I secretly voted Trump as a protest vote.

    The aftermath of Trump winning is what made me shift right in my politics. I saw people acting towards lifelong friends that were Trump voters like JWs act towards apostates. And that triggered alarm bells.

    2020 then made me shift politically again, and I’m a staunch anarchist now. Not anarcho-communist, but just anti-state.

    Now, if I vote, which I did this year, I vote for the candidates that I feel will accelerate the culture towards a National Divorce or Balkanization of the Union.

    I’m under no illusions - I do not believe an anarchist utopia is a realistic possibility. However, I think chipping away at the power of the state and supporting a culture of gradual decentralization is the most moral approach to politics. This is why I voted for Trump again. Rational self-interest.

    This is my personal philosophy and I do not expect anyone to agree with me.

  • Riley

    I always considered myself a staunch conservative till covid and I realized the same people who go bananas over a 15 year girl having an abortion because of the sanctity of human life are the same people who in no way shape or form going to inconvenience themselves so you don't miss your cancer biopsy. All rights , no responsibilities.

    Now the same people who amassed giant gun collections and jerk off to guns and ammo because that is what they believe keeps them free are same people who get a boner over cutting aid to Ukraine. A guess actually fighting North Koreans kind of kills the fantasy they are the baddest people on the planet.

    Watching Jordon Peterson in tears over transgender youth while 1.2 million American die of covid.

    Hearing Trump talk about draining the swamp while adding 7.2 trillion to the nation debt.

    I don't think I changed, I think my movement changed and it has become an absolute joke.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Jehalapeno: I consider myself anarchist as well, anarchy precludes socialism, you need a strong state to be a socialist. There are a few true anarchist state, usually after series of other governments failed, the once that succeed long term are exclusively capitalist and highly religious and tribal.

    Meaning they trade with each other purely on value proposition, they don’t accept foreigners easily and they have strict codes that are surprising (at least to our expectations of eg. deep Muslim and Christian ideals) ethical and equal. They will include corporal punishment of children for example, that is graduated to the point that when you become an adult, you know not to do crime, and adult crime is punished severely, you may think women are repressed, but they have orders of magnitude less domestic abuse and assault on females compared to your average Western city even when measured by outside UN reports.

    People don’t realize that without government, you become reliant on each other, including your women and children, people are happy because they have roles, you ask a woman in Africa whether she is happy, she will describe that she has children and a job to do, it is inconceivable to them that people think happiness is outside fulfilling your role in society.

  • liam
    Jehalapeno I’m under no illusions - I do not believe an anarchist utopia is a realistic possibility. However, I think chipping away at the power of the state and supporting a culture of gradual decentralization is the most moral approach to politics.

    Yep, we talked about this in one of my Political Science Classes.

    “Excessive Size of the Social Unit is the Primary Cause of Tyranny, due the growth in government power that it breeds”

    I said it many times, there is no doubt that decentralization of Nations States would solve 99 percent of the world’s problems, but it will be impossible for this to ever happen unless some Supreme Being that was just and wise would intervene in human affairs.

    The reason being is because if one Nation State like the USA decided to decentralize into small societies, other Nation States like China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, etc., would take advantage and try to invade and conquer the divided USA.

    That idea of decentralization was what sounded appealing about the ideology of the Watchtower. The idea that all nations would be govern by some Divine Being that was Just, and righteous.

    That’s the problem with politicians, not just in the USA but all over the world. In the case of the USA for instance, Trump has very good goals for the Country. To end war, to make the economy more fair and better for the average citizen, to make America Great Again.

    But as the saying goes; “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

    “Unlimited Power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty”

    Will Trump keep his word? Or will something cause him to change and make a complete turn around?

    This was the most disappointing thing to realize once I woke up from the Watchtower Fantasy of a God intervening to set things straight.

    Our lives are in the hands of Humans……...most whom are idiotic and just plain stupid.



    1) Riley is still as dumb as ever.

    2) PeacefulPete- Biden and Harris are in the Center??? 😂😂😂😂

    3) Vidiot. Love ya’, always have. There is no project 2025…. Like a nationwide Abortion Ban, it was all fear mongering.

    4) Don’t f**k with the Amish and their milk and don’t kill people’s pet Squirrels and Raccoons.

    Common sense ruled Election Day. The mentally unstable and idiotic Left suffered an incredible defeat and are now at each other’s throats. 😂

    The RINOs are next on the chopping block.


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