One day at the Hall when I was about fifteen I guess, I looked at the talk schedule to see my name posted next to my next talk. I hated giving a talk. It made sick to my stomach before I would go 'on'. But I wanted to be a good little JW and do my part so I joined the Ministry School. Well anyway, I'm standing there looking at my name and then I see the subject matter of my pre-selected talk. Ya ready? Masturbation! Yep. I couldn't fking believe it. We NEVER talked about sex in my house. It was mucho taboo! And now I'm gonna have to stand up there on the stage in front of everyone I know (including my mother) and talk about chicken chokin'? Just beautiful. Sheeeeeit. Well, I read the prescribed outline and it was obvious that the Society?s position was way against any ?member pullin?. (There?s a surprise.) Were they kidding giving that talk to a fifteen-year-old?
Well, the night came (so to speak) and I got up there and did it like a man! (er-um) You shoulda heard the silence fall when I announced, "Tonight, we?re gonna talk about masturbation." You could say I had matters in hand. (Smile) After all I WAS an expert on the subject! It was ridiculous; I had to stand up there and denounce a practice that I (and most probably everyone one else who was there) was doing on a regular basis. It was weird.
All kidding aside when I think about this particular event, it really sums up just how insensitive and even cruel this stupid religion can be. To even suggest to anyone that it?s a sin to masturbate and instill all that unnecessary guilt into people was way bad enough. But to expect a fifteen-year-old kid to give such at talk on such a sensitive issue is just fking wrong. Tell ya what though. It sure taught me how to be a hypocrite. Which of course was much needed training for my JW evolvement. Thank you Watchtower Society for training me how to recognize a hypocrite when I see one. Due to my JW "training", to this day I am ever on the watch to make sure I don?t fall into hypocrisy of any type.
Any one else have any such memories?