Floods have been part of human history as long as there have been humans. Think how the Mississippi River floods of around 10 years ago would grow through retelling over successive generations if there were no written records from the actual time of the event (and perhaps despite the fact that those records do exist).
The flood mentioned in the Bible was drawn from Sumerian sources, and there were parallel accounts in Greece, in which Deucalion built a boat on which humanity survived. But these written accounts were all composed thousands of years after the events they attempt to describe.
The basis for these similar stories was most likely a flood which occurred around 5500 B.C.E., and which produced the modern-day Black Sea. It was a huge flood (although nowhere near enough to cover the entire planet), and it probably did force people to abandon their homelands and resettle elsewhere.
Here is a link to a National Geographic site which discusses the findings:
For example; Atlantis is probably the Minoan civlisation, destroyed by Santorini in the Agean going BOOM. Some fiction writer added on crystals as he was what is technically known as 'making things up'.
Sounds to me like the same scribes of the bible wrote the fiction about atlantis. Same caliber, different day.
I am a big fan of the legend of Atlantis, be it true or not it is still a fasinating subject of conjecture.
I do believe that cyrstals do produce an energy level, as to its relation to Atlantis would be very interesting. Lets face facts ancient advance civilizations did indeed utilize crystals to produce engery with the power of the sun. Look at the energy produced by magnets as well. Navigator I would love it if you could recall the name of that literary work on Atlantis.
If you do recall it would you please PM to me, (thanks)