Welcome to JWD ZeroKool29!
I'm New Here...
by ZeroKool29 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Zk, welcome to the board! Looking forward to hearing more of your story.
District Overbeer
Hi Zero! Welcome here.
I read your life experience--so far, and you've had to deal with some pretty heavy things. I'd say just try to take life easy for awhile and not make any rash decisions. Your wife sounds immature. I'm wondering if you still love her. She needs to grow up and try to be a good wife and mother--but you can't control her. You have a child and that is a wonderful gift. I'm sure you want to have a relationship.
Sometimes we all do things because we are hurting and in pain. Sometimes, those very things we do to try to "feel better" end up making us feel even worse. Seems like we all have to go through these things in life.
I hope you will take the time to try to discover who you really are--what you want out of life, and how to obtain them. I'm not speaking about material things. From this day forward it will be important to begin building a firm foundation in life. This can only happen one day at a time.
I look forward to the rest of your "story".