Junk Yard Dog is well within his rights to drop a load on any visiting JW's, Mormons etc. He didn't invite them....he didn't ask them for their address so he can visit them with his message.
The JW's of today have more in common with the girl scouts trying to sell Girl Scout cookies then they have to do with Jesus's ministry.
When they come to my house I ask if they are policing their Kingdom Hall .........running off Child molesters and if they report them to the police.
Of course not...... if their congregation is safe...... what need for the greater community?
They are becoming a joke in my small city.
So yes after demanding that people make reckless health decisions (ban on Blood), call for the two witness rule when it comes to child sexual abuse ........ and their morbid preoccupation of walking in step even if they are expected to walk off a cliff. What is there to say.
When they come to my door ...not so much any more and good riddance.....I asked them how many have picked my home to live in when I am a sack of bones dead in my home. How about a tour of my home so you'll be familiar when you move in......no takers.
Never a murmur.......these are people who don't understand the ramifications of their beliefs.