Well, Yardif, I have challenged the entire GB of the WTB&TS to a public debate at any reasonable time, at any reasonable place to consider the proposition, "Jehovah's Witnesses Constitute a Religious Cult."
No Response.
And there's not going to be because the GB is scared shitless of anyone who has the goods, the truth, on them. Would you like to take up their cause, since they're too cowardly to do it for themselves?
And if you think it's improper for the GB to engage in such a debate, I direct your attention to the 1959 publication "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose." In this JW apologia, the society points out that it had invited the clergy to debate various biblical points, theological issues, etc. The society was very clear in its contention that the failure of any religion to debate when called upon to do so was a sure sign they knew they couldn't withstand the examination.
Additionally, I'm sure you remember the following: "The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism." {AWAK Aug 22 1984 28}
"Any organization" would include the WTB&TS wouldn't it?
Finally, I'm sure you recall the scripture that tells Christ's true followers to always be ready to make a defense of their beliefs, giving reasons for their beliefs and their hope.
Well, here's a perfect opportunity for the WTB&TS to do as they have demanded of others and to show that it really does have God's backing - or are they going to behave worse than the priest's of Baal who engaged in the contest to see if their God would send down fire upon the pile of brush to set it afire.
At least the priests of Baal showed up!!
So I here re-issue my challenge of a public debate to the WTB&TS governing body, or to you personally: a public debate upon the proposition, "Jehovah's Witnesses Constitute a Religious Cult." This debate to be announced publically a minimum of 30 days prior to the event, at any reasonable time, at any reasonable place in the contiguous United States."
So it's one thing to make loud noises about who did and who did not sue the WTB&TS, it's another altogether to put your ass on the line in public debate. I will show up, loudmouth, how 'bout your leadership?