The whole interracial thing didn't become a problem for me until AFTER I left the dubs. I kind of fell into an unhealthy, angry thought pattern that wanted to be a racist. But, essentially, I'm just too nice of a guy to live up to it. If you want to be a racist you have to be a complete a-hole, and I just can't swing it. Besides, I like kids too much to ever wish any of them harm. And when I get right down to it, most of the stuff I'm angry about in life is my own damn fault. With a little honesty, you can stop blaming everybody else and drown yourself in self-loathing, which you deserve...
Plus, Hitler's words, which I read, are very powerful - they are like some kind of stimulant drug to a certain kind of white man; they warp your perceptions and poison your thoughts. It's only when you see the results of such thinking, actually force yourself to look and see the horrible consequences of such thoughts, that the white man can free himself from the poison of Hitler.
I believe it was MLK who said that the irony of slavery is that it is truly the white man who was enslaved to fear, and only when prejudice had passed away would the white man be truly free.
Sometimes I feel a little unsettled when I see a mixed race couple, but then I remember that I suppose that when the Vikings invaded Scotland 1200 years ago, it would have been shameful for a Celtic girl to marry a Viking invader - but that resulted in my own glorious parentage... ah, whatever...
Besides, I married an Irish chick. She'd beat my ass if she caught me hating.