I thought the hailstones happened 100 years,ago. Or was that bowls?
Hailstone message.....June 23 WT
by mikeflood 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
When things are going against them, WTC trots out another dire claim of impending doom for the "world".
They have screamed about the end of the system my whole life without anything happening. In the meantime, they had their hands in my pockets and everyone else's. The great money grab of the last 10 years should be proof positive to the R&F that they are charlatans.
“This good news of the kingdom will be preached.” (To be followed by bad news.)
I thought the hailstones happened 100 years,ago. Or was that bowls?
Hailstones? More like kidney stones IMO. And as for bowls, I think given the crap coming out of New York recently it is more like bowels!
Here we go again, more doom and gloom from Watchtower.