I'll be on Ontario's CBC radio Wednes. a.m
by morrisamb 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I am sorry to post that I just received this message! So sorry about this..I just found out 5 minutes ago! Donald
Hi Donald - just to let you and Louise know...I was away yesterday and
came back today to learn we're running yr item TOMORROW, that's
Thursday, day of yr event. I don't want you wondering at 8:20 why no
interview.Erika Ritter, CBC Radio 1
LOL I got up at 6.00 sat in front of the Tv from 8- 8.37 ... recorded it!! thought to myself Dummy!!! You have the wrong station....came back to make SURE I read you right.....LOL Thanks sweetie. I will have to get up tomorrow now early.... Thanks for letting us know (((((HUGS)))
Hi Mouthy...that too cute! It will air this a.m. 8:20, same radio dial!
I am ready & waiting here at 7.43 ......
Well It wasnt on my CBC I sat through it all !! mine is channell 26
BOO HOO I NOW see it was on RADIO!!!!!!! Shish!!!! what a lemon!!! I am. Sorry
I am ready & waiting here at 7.43 ......
Well It wasnt on my CBC I sat through it all !! mine is channell 26
BOO HOO I NOW see it was on RADIO!!!!!!!
Mouthy you got me in stitches here! hahahaahah too funny Its unfortunate that we have only crap radio in England it would be great to listen to half the shows you guys get Brummie
Mouthy you got me in stitches here! hahahaahah too funny From Brummie What a rotton thing to do LAUGH!!! at my errors ! you should have sat down & said "Oh Poor Mouthy -she missed it" I have got up early TWO mornings in a row. sat & watched CBC T.V. While my buddy ! was talking on radio boo-hoo!!!