How will the Watchtower Cult end? Some announcement of sorts?
There are all kinds of conspiracy theories. Their head count and time cards are all faked by the GB, and "congregations". All the hoopla of finding tax filings and stock holdings are completely fake. They publish all those things because that's what they want you to think. It's all fake. The WT is a multi-million dollar (maybe) organization with plenty of money, and stupid volunteers to manage marketing, accounting, and any reports they want you to hear. It's a tax free org. Who's going to complain over any BS filings? The IRS? Don't think so.
They are very aware of boards like this, and I'm sure they closely watch the effects of "leaked" information. It's what they do. Propaganda. Control it. Manage it.
Would they be honest and wind it down? Beg for more money? Sell their headquarters? Or just close the doors? For sale signs suddenly everywhere and no one answering the phone? How does it end?
Loosing the contained/controlled cult and publishing company is their end. People can see there is real truth in the real world. They have lost their Nazi control of lies, control, and punishments. Everyone is free.