How do you feel about God?
Do you love God?
by fearnotruth22 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Do you love God?
I can not imagine a more blatant evil than the killing of men, women and children. So, if your talking about the fundamental Biblical god, I would say, "no, my heart does not radiate warmth around such an idea." On the other hand, there can be an overwhelming sense intimate and warm beyond belief, in moments of silence so pure and deep, I disappear.
god and i have an understanding, sometimes it feels like he's giving me a hard time, and other times i feel like i am the one giving him a hard time, there are times i wonder if he even exists, and at times i wonder if he knows that i exist.
he chills out once every seven days, i chill out the other six, we're like yin and yang, god and me, just he's in denial
I can't feel too much one way or the other about something that I doubt exists. If he/she/it exists I hope it's happy with the choices it's made. I love very few and I don't love anyone/anything that has been absent for me when I needed it most.
How can you love somebody you have never heard, spoke to, written to, or seen? Could you fall in love with another person if you never had any kind of interaction, words, ......some kind of dealing with?
I think love is a strong word for many who believe in a higher intelligence.....but do not neccesarily believe in a god. I believe that many who truelly believe in Jesus, though they have never seen him, heard him, written to him, or interacted in any other way...........can say they love him. Can you REALLY love someone you do not know?
Winston Smith :>D
god and i have an understanding, sometimes it feels like he's giving me a hard time, and other times i feel like i am the one giving him a hard time, there are times i wonder if he even exists, and at times i wonder if he knows that i exist. dh
I like it, kinda where I'm at I figure, "Hey, I just escaped a cult. So god, I need a little me time right now to figure things out." I feel that He should be cool with that
Who is God?
I'm agnostic by nature and by reason. What I mean by that is that after giving the matter intense consideration, I don't believe that there is any way of knowing whether God exists, and especially what his-her nature might be. If God does exist as an intelligent personality, then s/he is obviously aware of this fact. If it turns out there is a God, I think s/he would be much more pleased by my living a good, solid life and keeping open to his-her existence than by believing that I already know God's purpose for the universe and me, which to my mind is a pretty absurd claim.
So my agreement with God is, if you don't exist, I'm still going to try my best to be a good person and to be a driving force for good in the lives of others. If you do exist, then cool - I can't wait to meet you under clearer circumstances. I think God would be / is cool with that.
wheres caleb?
Sure, why not?
I cannot see him or touch him, hear his voice. (masculine reference used to acquiesce biblical inference)
The scriptures say that if we claim to love God and yet hate our brother, we are liars or even manslayers. It is harder to live life hating than it is to express love. "No love is greater than this ..." Do I have to sacrifice my life for someone else to prove my love for a God I have never seen or heard or touched? Supposedly, Jesus died for me and this was done centuries before I even existed. Only I can understand my faith and it is only our faith that can help us to know how to answer that question individually.
Do I love God? Sure, why not?
Who is God?
on any given saturday night, God is a DJ
on any given sunday he's quarterback
monday he's doing the laundry
tuesday, i'm not sure, i think he's at the book study
wednesday is a haze
thursday god is at the kindom hall
friday he's at the mosque
and saturday night he's back on the decks.
god chills out.
(edited because god made me hit enter after i typed two words)