Asking For More Money Again

by rosesinbloom 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rosesinbloom

    We had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.

    It asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.

    A resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.

    The society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but I do not remember what they suggested.

    I was glad I was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious I did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.

    Has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?

  • LostGeneration
    They've done that for years, but I do wonder if the suggested donation has increased from last year?
  • Anon2
    My mother said it was read at their KH this past week. She doesn't attend but listens on a speaker phone at home. She said they mentioned many needs but her main memory was something to do with liability, insurance, or something along that line. She's thinking they mentioned 15.00 per...person? publisher? I think she was more concerned with them asking once again for money, than in getting the details.
  • truthlover

    yes see ANother Resolution this week

  • cognac

    To bad these dipsh*ts make such a big deal about getting a college education. Maybe there would be more donations if the JWs had two dimes to rub together.

    That rule is really biting them in the a**...

  • Vidiot
    An organization going broke due to a woefully uneducated membership who can't afford to support said organization as a direct result of an organizational policy of discouraging education is, IMO, the absolute pinnacle of poetic justice.
  • rosesinbloom

    This was not the usual letter read after a visit from a circuit overseer after his visit to pay his expenses for just our congregation.

    It was addressed to all congregations

  • OnTheWayOut

    I believe in the past, the once-a-year letter was to pay for the C.O's insurance. So this sounds like nothing new. It's sounding a bit high for one year. I doubt that amount actually gets sent off to some insurance company.

    Here's the thing: their membership is their primary source of money. If members are squeezed for money like balloons could be squeezed for their air, there's only so much there. If members used to donate a great deal at conventions and assemblies and now have to contribute more at their local congregation to pay the bills and meet Watchtower's inflated rates for insurance, then the same members will take it out of their assembly donation money and say "I gave at the Kingdom Hall." The balloon only holds so much, especially when you don't go to college, don't work overtime very often, need time off for conventions.

  • Splash

    The WT will probably grab as much money "for CO's" just before making half the CO's redundant.

    I'm amazed they haven't thought of a "sponsor a bethelite" scheme yet.
    The bethelite can draw the sponsor a picture once every six months, or send an occasional photo of how clean their room is.

  • freddo

    Sponsor a bethelite! LOL!

    In our neck of the woods- medium sized UK city/town - there are still a few old widows passing away who's worldly husbands left them a company pension and a property to live in. I heard last year of some deluded old biddy leaving £200,000 to her congregation and the elders having a tussle with the London branch about whether it was her intentions to let it go to the "WWW" (AKA Wallkill luxury apartment complex) or not.

    The local elders played the "Trustees" card as in trustees under the regulations of the Charity Commission to hold it back.

    I've not found out more but I bet it eventually goes to the WT under their "loving arrangement."

    However the point I am coming to is I believe that less are inclined to give their estate to the WT anymore. In my experience it's the kids and grandkids. And those now in their 50's and 60's looking at their own future have tougher financial constraints then their mothers in their 80's and 90's because:

    A) Women don't get a state pension until they are 67 or more and so have to work seven years longer than the previous generation who retired at 60.

    B) Their husbands don't typically have the "for life jobs" with company pensions.

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