"The Skulls" is available here at the Public Library and any old video store.
It's a fictional story based on the famous "Skull & Crossbones" club of (I think) Yale (or it could be Harvard). It stars one of the young actors from Dawson's Creek (don't ask me his name, I never saw the show). The usual conspiracy-type flick about a scholarship boy who joins the Skulls, and is expected to go along with all kinds of dastardly deeds, including (shock, gasp) MURDER most foul! All this so that he can be a part of the closed club of 'RICH WHITE MEN' who pull the strings of our society in secret. The punishment for betrayal is, you got it, death. Our hero, of course, remains true blue. Not a bad teen flick, but nothing shocking.
Interesting that you found it 'disappeared' in your community. Not here in Canada. I haven't seen the sequel, as I expect it will achieve the same level of mediocrity as most sequels.