Hello you fellow apostatoes! I just went to get a coffee at the little coffee shop up the street from where I work.............. "Leaves and Pages" which also is a wonderful snuggly little book shop! It is one of my most favorite stores because I am a bookaholic! When I walk in, I go into a manic behavior of eyes darting every which way to check out what new goodies they've obtained since my last visit..............along with the fact that they are having a mid-winter sale.......30-50% off most of the books in stock............as I'm grabbing my coffee cup and lid, I spy a new book.............."Crossing Over: where art and science meet"..............now, I'm stopped dead in my tracks............not only is the cover art scrumptious, but the title has absolutely caught my attention! Maybe you fellow bookaphiles and closet mad scientists can understand my curiosity..........the authors: Stephen Jay Gould and Rosamond Wolff Purcell...............most of us x-dubs recognize Steve's name from the "Creation" book and other articles refuting evolution that the society has written..........so, of course, my curiosity was piqued by that too.....................anyhoo, I grabbed the book with trembling hands and went to the counter.........now, the price inside this book, which appears to be brand new, is $27.50 US/$39.95 Canada..........but, they have marked it as $13.25............and with the 30% discount, I am out the door with this treasure in my possession for the grand total of $9.28!!! Anyone curious as to what it's about, as I begin to read it, let me know in a pm! Some of the more interesting thoughts, I'll post here!
Terri of the can't believe her good luck class!