Its very controversial, no its BS. We are told by libtards that we can not visit the crimes of the parents on Doca kids, but the left want whites who had nothing to do with the crimes of a generation dead for 150 years on today's people. Its our fault because some black does drugs, or can not speak English. Its not my fault that someone lives next to a factory. Its just another ploy to further divide and make a a victim out of blacks and keep them down on the Democrat plantation.
Because some person who owns a factory is white and it pollutes does not mean I am suddenly in the club with that factory owner. Liberal tards get upset if someone gets mad at blacks for their high crime. They say you have to take it one at a time. But change that to whites and we are all to blame for the actions of one. So its nothing more of the libtard BS of race shaming in what they consider to be the right way.
I am having non of it. There is no white privilege. No one handed me a damn thing when I fell out of the womb. Some blacks get a lot of privilege from affirmative action and getting jobs they are not qualified for just to be a token for the bean counters to some like Will Smith who are given everything and his kids are handed all the privilege anyone could ask for.
So liberaltards can take their PC, their social justice bull shit and find a stick and you know what to do. Libtards never ask criminals or low lifes to be responsible for their choices and actions. I have had to deal with every action and choice I have ever made. Never given a pass or a mulligan on any bad choice. I live with it learn and move on. But blacks and Hispanics are by liberal standards not responsible for their choices and actions.