South Africa’s crime statistics for 2017/18 were released in parliament on 11 September 2018. They cover the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
In that period there were 20,336 murders, which amounted to an average of 56 people murdered every day.
In that period the police recorded 62 murders on farms or smallholdings. Of those murdered, 52 were the owners or occupiers of the farm/smallholding, 9 were farm workers and one was a farm manager. Forty-two murders took place on farms, 15 on smallholdings and one at a cattle post.
46 of the murder victims were white.
There is no doubt that farms and smallholdings are targeted by criminals due to their isolation and the perception of wealth. However, suggestions of a white genocide should be put in the context of South African crime overall. In this context the number of murders on farms and smallholdings accounted for 0.3% of the total murder rate in South Africa. And the number of white victims on farms/smallholdings is even less (0.23%).
There is no white genocide but it makes the headlines and feeds the propaganda of white supremacists in South Africa and elsewhere. The crime statistics can be verified here and here.