First off, when it comes right down to it...everything should be questioned and I'm not sure if the following opinions I've formulated are good or not, but...what the hell.
America is too big. It would be great if we could form four or five seperate nations from the Union, but that simply is not going to happen and would be dangerous. So, I Give more authority to state and local government within a broad framework. This would make voting more important than ever and would aid the democratic process.
Stop all immigration to this country. Close the borders. If people want freedom and opportunity let them work for this in their own countries. We do them a disservice in the long-run by letting them come here.
We have a wall of seperation between Church and State, how about an even bigger wall between Corporations and State? Corporations aren't necessarily evil but their power in politics is way too strong. Make large donations to political parties a thing of the past. Stop corporate welfare.
Americans are too dumb. We need smaller schools. Fire the goofy public school teachers and let their pay be based on performance, not tenure. Have standardized testing and let competition reign. Raise the standards for teachers by eliminating unions. Do lawyers and doctors have unions? No. Make getting a masters degree a minimal requirement and pay them gobs of money if they earn it. Take advantage of new technologies by having classrooms linked by the internet in conference lessons.
American television is banal, idiotic, crass and boring. People are getting dumber, more violent and wasting time. Tighten controls over the networks. Force them to quadruple the amount of programing in educational and news programs to be produced by independent councils of academics. Yes, this sounds draconian. So was your mother forcing you to eat spinach.
Pass a constitutional amendment calling for a balanced budget. Slash defense spending. Get rid of stupid programs that promote "family values." (that would be taken care of if you improved the quality of TV dummies!)
Tax religions. Offer deductions based on their humanitarian programs and charity work.
End the antiquated electoral college and the silliness over "primaries." Shorten the entire campaign season drastically. Allow voting to take place over the internet.
End corporate taxation but fine them mercilessly for enviornmental and humanitarian offenses. Yes this includes oversea operations boys.
Let consumers buy prescriptions from Canada and elsewhere. That would be free trad for everyone.
And that's just the start...