Letting Go.......

by ScoobySnax 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    I was thinking today about my old Grandad who passed away 6 weeks ago. My sister had pulled out of the cupboard a couple of camcorder films of him taken in the last 10 years, and before now I felt it was way too soon to watch them but felt that now I'd be ok now. We sat there for a bit, finger hovering over the play button.....Go on I said play it, lets see him again. So on it went, shaky camcorder images. Of course we both sat there, watching, listening and laughing (uncomfortably....is that a strange word to use?) at the funny things he was saying on film, so full of life and just him.

    My sister started first, then me. It was painful. Tears. Lots of tears. Where's he gone? Why isn't he here? What happened to the old bugger? It reminded me of strange things that I do now. When I'm at work checking patients wristbands before giving them there medication, we have to ask them for their date of birth. My grandad was born in 1926, so when someone born before that year says 1924, or 1920 etc....I keep thinking well why are you still here, and he's not........God that sounds awful, I don't begrudge them that!...... Its just that, It doesn't seem "right" in my mind. (I sound crazy now)

    Anyway, I keep beating myself up about the fact that the day before he died, I was out with my mates in a pub having a laugh and a few beers. Why couldn't I just have called him that night? Just to chat and thrash a few things out with him, put the world to rights one last time (he loved that) I'll never go in that pub again, I hate even driving past it. I'm trying to let go, I want to let go, but I can't let go.

    I told my sister to switch the film off, but told her to keep it really safe. I'm sure in the future, when emotions and feelings have subsided a bit, For us, and more importantly my mum and nan, it will become a treasure, that we'll want to watch again and again.......but just not now.

    Letting go is bloody difficult.

  • Carmel

    Hey Scoob, don't beat yerself up man! We all wish we could bring back events and change them so that our minds are not pestered with "shuda dones". He's okay, and you'll be too. Just do what you think he would have wanted you to do.. go on with an abundant life and live to be ripe and old!


  • Sassy

    Aaahh Scoob (((((((((((((((Scooby))))))))))))))))

    I feel your pain. I miss my grandparents so much. It hurts now (only not so much) even though it has been over ten years since I lost them (all except one who died when my father was young so I never knew). They are special people in our lives and they touched us in good ways that we don't want to let go. Please don't blame yourself for not calling that night. You had no idea you would never see him again. I went to see my grandfather when he went into the hospital and something when he had his fall changed for him. I guess he had a stroke, because when I went to see him, he didn't know who I was. It scared me and I didnt' go back. He died a week later. I had a hard time forgiving myself for not going to see him again.

    One day you will be able to take out those videos and replay them. I'm envious of you that you have them. I'd give anything to have moving pictures of the memories in my mind from days with my grandparents.

    Just take the time to let yourself grieve. And any hugs you need, let us know.. we sure have all you could want and more for you.

  • ScoobySnax

    Hmmm... maybe so Carmel. Thanks

  • ScoobySnax

    Sassy....... You're post meant alot. Thankyou. xxxx

  • ScoobySnax

    Everyone has there own hurt to hold on to and let go of I suppose....... Guess it all boils down to how we all interact with everyone and each other, and the hurt felt when those ties are severed. Sometimes painfully.

    Thanks for letting me rant a bit.


  • Sassy

    I think you are right Scoob. I think sometimes there are some hurts it is healthy for us to hold for a while. It is like it keeps it with us a little longer. Does that makes sense? Something we get past and let it flow around us, feeling the pain and feeling the clouds but still moving along. Other things are more intense and we pause for that moment in time as it to freeze frame that feeling, that bond.

    Reaching out to others when we are hurting is a good thing. I'm glad you shared with us Scooby.. we love ya.

    It was painful. Tears. Lots of tears.

    Awwwwww...((((((((((Scoob))))))))))) ...

    Grief is healthy and natural ... cry as much as you want and whenever you feel like it. It's okay ... Vent as much as you want to here with us, too. Nice that you have a sister that you can be yourself with. That is wonderful.

    Take care of you.



  • Sentinel


    Well, ya know, you really don't have to let go if you don't want to. A part of your granddad will always be with you. The early stages of grief are the most difficult because the loss of his precense in the physical form is so sad. I felt that way too, about my dad. But, I decided to face my loss differently than others in my family. Of course, I knew that he was gone, that I'd never hear his voice or see his face again--not in the way I had all these years. Yet, it still felt as if he was all around me still. I refused to be devastated--as devastated as I was when I lost my first husband to suicide. Of course, there were tears that came, as I remembered him, the good and the not-so-good. I realized that he would want me to live fully and not be stuck in remorse and overly sad.

    Sometimes, I swear, I can still hear him call my name--so clearly. Or there will be a significant smell that was "his", like his aftershave, his haircream, etc. I just recently did a memorial to him as a post on here, as the third anniversary of his death just passed, on Jan. 31st. I smile now, and think of him on his next journey. I think he is probably very happy, trying to take charge of whatever group he's with.

    Take care and feel what you need to feel.


  • LittleToe

    I lived hundreds of miles from my remaining grandparent, but whenever I was in the area I would visit, and I would make special trips, too.

    Just one time I didn't visit, about a year or so before she died.
    I beat myself up for that, something rotten.

    Letting go of loved ones is hard enough, and for some reason we want to bear some responsibility for it.

    The only words of comfort I can offer are that we all have our time to go, and when ti comes, it comes.
    Depending on how you read that, it may come over as either harsh or fatalistic, or something else, but I assure you it is meant genuinely.

    Take care, pal.

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