Dearest JanG... may you have peace.
Since you are so 'het up' on having folks go BACK to H20, let me ask YOU, please:
A few weeks ago, I was banned, expelled, disfellowshipped, from H20.
About a week ago, I received an email from Rick INVITING me back to H20. The invitation did NOT specify a specific forum within H20.
The day I received such invitation, I posted on H20.
The day AFTER I posted, I received a 'cutting' post from Mod2 and my post was deleted.
I responded to such deletion by telling of Rick's invitation. Mod2 basically said I was lying because he/she hadn't heard of any such invitation.
Initially, Rick was silent, but when challenged by Ros, admitted that he had made such invitation, BUT that it was not the main forum. NO reply from FD2, whatsoever. (Big surprise...)
I informed Rick that his invitation had made NO reference to a specific forum.
The 'rules' say that 'deleted' posts can be viewed in the Deletion Bin. HOWEVER... my post is GONE... is was not reinstated to the Main Forum, not 'moved' to the Underground Forum, nor does it exist in the Deletion Forum. And NO reply from Rick, FD2, Mod2... nobody.
What in the WORLD makes you think that H20... changed... or EVER will?
Now, if you're going to reply, I want you to stick to the issues, the TRUTH, the evidence... and the 'rules'. Otherwise, don't bother, because I don't think either of us has the time to waste.
A slave of Christ, who is EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that those here allow me freedom of speech and permit me to SPEAK... whether they 'hear' or they 'refrain', which gratitude, I need to direct to them... and will.