With all the cattle, sheep and others wouldn't they be shitting and peeing all over the place? Along with the gallons and gallons of blood being drained and then the flesh being burned as well. Wouldn't the stench be unbearable?
question from readers: with all the animal sacrifices, wouldnt the temple smell worse than a stockyard?
by nowwhat? 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good catch.
Ehhh, back then, everybody probably stank.
Maybe that's the real reason they biult temples on hilltops... to the wind would carry away the funk.
That's why they burned incense all the time
With all the cattle, sheep and others wouldn't they be shitting and peeing all over the place? Along with the gallons and gallons of blood being drained and then the flesh being burned as well. Wouldn't the stench be unbearable?
Yes, they would be behaving like animals. Not sure why it should be expected that they have to lay out an entire system to maintain the area sanitized. I'm sure they did. They were human, and yes, animal and human sacrifices have been well documented in history, so either they had a system in place to maintain the area clean, or they didn't care about the smell.
As a dub..... I would have said yes . It must have been horrible. They did appoint the Nethanim to serve as helpers . They drew water for the big bath called "the sea" , but I don't know how effective it would have been.
Oh ye of little faith, "this is an agreeable odour " to the person that is supposed to be bigger than the cosmos, so, he must have the biggest nostrils to eagerly vacuum it all up. right? upward. after all, one of his sons could make a snake talk , the conversation* that started all this stink in the first place,
may be wt prefers sample conversations over stand-up talks even for males now.
breakfast of champions
It probably went something like this:
Nah. . . . .Jehovah is no barbarian . .. .
It would have been awful.
I have often wondered about that.
They did eat some of the sacrifices, so it might have been no worse than our abattoirs. They would not have wanted bulls running around in panic killing people so it would have had to be well organised and blood collected and disposed of rather than being on the ground and slipped on.
No doubt there would have been smells and flies.
It must have been a truly great time when hundreds of thousands of animals were slaughtered during the 7 day inauguration Solomon's temple. Thousands of gallons of animal blood to pour out on the ground to appease the god of the universe. Hell of a bar-b-que too!
just saying!