No Zombie that is happening to an extent with JWlite. We are making our own religion and can still use all the infrastructure already in place.
Ignore all the GB and their helpers and make your own mind up. Just be subtle about it.
Im sitting in my lawn chair watching the org crumble and it’s going to be better having ring side seats. That’s why I’m staying physically in to an extent but it’s pretty obvious to anyone that I’m mentally questioning or mentally out.
Im the perfect example of a Jwlitalite. I even say it to peoples faces that I think the GB may be wrong about the vaccine and many other things including 1914. In the past PIMOs would have been to scared to voice this out loud but things have changed to such an extent these days.
Forget bethelites, young ones should want to be JWlitelites when they grow up!!!
There are many many who ignore the shunning direction and have family and friends association who the GB say should be shunned.
So if they relax it they will find many have been doing the new relaxed way anyway. This is happening all the time now, look at all the brothers with beards already. It’s like the GB are trying to catch up and pretend they thought of it first.
Same with not shunning anymore, loads are doing it anyway and soon the GB will try to catch up with Jehovah’s chariot and come and say you don’t need to shun anymore. Then Steve will come and and tell everybody how they should feel, “some may be feeling vindicated as you have been doing this all along” is that correct? “Not really”
this is exactly what happened with beards
General Amnesty For Disfellowshipped
by NotFormer 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It would work to at least a small extent, since there are DF'ed JWs that would like to return, or who miss their JW family and friends. But if the policy itself is not removed, then amnesty could be a disaster. How many people would return and rejoice, only to be DF again soon after? At some point it becomes a parody of itself.
This JWlite would never work for me. What about putting up a Christmas tree? Having an American flag outside of your house? Hosting a Halloween party? Or decorating for Easter?
Here's a scenario, say someone is df'd at 17 for sex. They leave and later get married with kids leading a normal life for a decade or so. He or she obviously hasn't been engaged in immorality for years so why should they have to wait a year to be reinstated if the chose to come back?
road to nowhere
The only amnesty is for elders who engage in CSA.
Big problem; df can be for actual dangerous behavior, blatant immorality, having a beer at 20, not being the in crowd.
There is no one year scripture, never missing a meeting is impossible for even the elders
Here's a scenario, say someone is df'd at 17 for sex. They leave and later get married with kids leading a normal life for a decade or so. He or she obviously hasn't been engaged in immorality for years so why should they have to wait a year to be reinstated if the chose to come back? ~Nowwhat?
That's a perfect example!
Years ago WT/GB instituted a program where elders were to contact DFd JWs once per year to encourage them to return. It was revised that those who once made it clear they had no interest could be removed from the visits, and those DFd who were known as apostates were not to be contacted. (Think that was to keep them from awakening the elders??) LIke most WT policies, that seemed to be forgotten or dropped eventually, likely because of so much negative response.
More recently they published the "Return To Jehovah" brochure. We had a couple elders who kindly dropped that off at our home. WT missed the opportunity at that time to make it obvious that the reinstatement of DFd who were not critical to the bOrg should have been encouraged to return as well as anyone only inactive. Yes, more would likely return if they were not humiliated to jump through all the hoops created by power hungry elders.
Never going to happen, it would effectively mean they relinquish their authority ... which is why it's never going to happen.
No one who reaches the top gets there because they are earnest, they are there because they sought power and authority, because it's a 100% man-man org just like every other one.
What has the WTS said in the past: "Furthermore, elders today do not have divine authority to forgive serious wrongdoing in the sense of pronouncing a serious sinner clean in the eyes of Jehovah. This kind of forgiveness has to be on the basis of the ransom sacrifice, and only Jehovah can forgive on that basis" (John 20:23 not basis for this). WT 96 4/15 p.29 Questions From Readers, but then the GB may not think this applies to them.
I’ve been wondering for some time if the threat of disfellowshipping doesn’t carry the same weight it used to.
I am thinking that is true Vidiot