I hope Hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee. She sounds like she’s testing out the waters. Good luck Ms. Winfrey. Poor Hillary. It’s just not fair.😏
Oprah For President!
by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends
The Cult of Celebrity.
problemaddict 2
If she has political aspirations, she should serve in a lower capacity first. Having someone in that position without knowledge of diplomacy, international norms, and governing experience........lets just say that is already a failed experiment.
I think she isn't qualified to be President, as eloquent and well meaning as she seems. She agrees....and says she does not have political aspirations.
I`m sure she wouldn`t make such a spectacle of herself as Donald Trump has and made a jackass of herself as he has with his constant tweeting putting one foot in his mouth after another.
I believe that all candidates proposing to apply for such a position should complete a course at a university on the geo political status, diplomacy and ethics as well as geography. Must know where North Korea is before you want to bomb it.
This would prevent trouble like we have at the moment where the elected president wouldn't have a clue in any of these attributes.
People in countries outside of the United States are shit scared of anything that Trump does in regard to foreign politics. For example. Recently he goes to Israel and lets the Israeli prime minister make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. There were enough tensions between them and the Palestinians as it was.
Oprah would not have the qualifications. This is in no way to say that she is not a nice person.
Trump real estate, Oprah? talkshow? I am with problematicct 2: get a specific education. remember the paperhanger.
Minimus would never vote a TV celebrity for President, oh, wait...
Oprah For President! - ha ha, hilarious.
The UK equivalent would be Trisha for PM.
The low that was the election of Trump shouldn't become the norm in US politics...
I have nothing against Oprah.
But seriously????
The Cult of Celebrity.
Spot on.