CO asked for everyone 20 years old & younger for a group photo

by LevelThePlayingField 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Over 30 years ago, the elders were always trying to involve children in feeling special about being a witness. For the CO i'm guessing, children were encouraged to draw a paradise picture. At the end of the meeting they came up to the stage and stood with their pictures. Parents took photos.

    This was at a time when several wives started having babies in spite of the "it's too close to the end" and "this world is too bad to have children" spin. Have to make sure they stay in the fold you know.

  • ttdtt

    Yes - that has happened in my congregation in the past - I see nothing nefarious about it.

    Other than trying to encourage young ones to stay in the cult :)

  • James Jack
    James Jack

    This is the time of the year when the CO's get their New Assignment for their next Circuit. If a particular Congregation was really good to them, they just some want pictures for their "Fond Memories".

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes. It was a common thing here too.

    I just think they were doing it to create a "team spirit" kind of vibe for the young ones. Kind of a morale booster thing.

    Its odd now come to think of it.

  • truthlover123

    I have a thought-- most congregations now do not have younger ones..if they do they are few and far between,,,, pubs most all have white hair and are showing their age.. how uplifting to see children in these photos and not with aged ones who are pointedly showing the congregations are going to be losing a lot of aged pubs in the near future....

    More selling of halls due to non support cause the young are not going to be supporting it...

  • LevelThePlayingField

    Ok, well, many of you have given your feedback as to perhaps why the CO has taken pictures of the young ones. At any rate, and for hope in the best, maybe it's just an innocent thing. I hope so anyways. Thanks.

  • respectful_observer

    I've heard the COs are told to keep their eyes open for photogenic kids that might be used by the WT art/video dept later. This is prob just a subtle way to do that, and then it gets sent into the branch with his congregation report.

  • jwfacts

    I remember getting on stage for that sort of photo decades ago. I would love to see it now, as most in the photo would have now left.

  • sir82

    The service overseer here was one of those purged from Bethel in the first wave of layoffs about 10 years ago. He still pictures himself as a big cheese, however.

    A year or so ago, he gave one of those public talks aimed at JW kids. After his talk, he requested all kids to gather on the stage for a group photo.

    I imagine he got the idea from some CO or one of his remaining Bethel contacts, and he probably thought that imitating their actions would give him some sort of cachet when he talked to them again.

  • zeb

    You are all right..... creepy and utterly inappropriate.

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