
by ScoobySnax 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Scooby, I understand where you are coming from. I still love Jehovah and do believe in him. I totally felt like I failed as a witness. That was in part why I gave up, although it was not the straw that broke the camels back. But the thing is, the things we have been taught since being out also shows us hypocrasies in the religion. It isn't that I don't think some of what they teach to be accurate but if they hide things and change information on the cds as if it 'never had been written' (a claim they use to prove the bible is accurate because bible writers never changed history to make themselves look good, where as worldly nations did), that really bothers me. If they have nothing to hide, then why not leave things as they said in the past just write explainations of why the 'light is getting brighter'. Something is wrong with this picture? And why if this is the only true religion, is there so much lack of love, the one thing we were taught would be the identifying mark of Jesus' followers.

    When I think about these things it helps me realize I don't have to feel guilty for leaving. I really don't think it is the true religion. I don't know if there is one religion. All I know is that I would expect no hypocrasy in any religion which God would direct as his earthly organization. I would not expect to always feel like a failure as I tried with all my heart and will to be a good and obedient servant.

    I know you have gone through some stuff with losing your grandfather and I think in times like those, we need more answers. We want to beleive in what we were taught because it did give us some comfort. I don't know what the answers are there..

    but I do think you are an awesome person and hope you can let go of the guilt.

  • Nosferatu

    Hey Scooby.

    JW? No of course I'm not. I fail miserably. I don't reach the standards to be counted amongst the numbers.

    What I'm wondering from this statement is who's judging you? It almost sounds as if you're judging yourself resulting from what others have judged you. Since others have judged you as "unworthy", you're doing the same to yourself.

    With my own life, I've looked at it and questioned what validity other people have in it. They may help me make decisions, but it's my decision that's final. They may give me different views and opinions on things, but it's my opinion that affects my life. What I'm basically saying is You are in your own reality, and everyone else is a guest. If that guests starts to disrupt your reality, you have every right to kick him/her out of it. You have total control over who and what affects your life. You have the ability to change it. If you have someone or something in your life that is causing a negative judgement on you, and you don't like it, make the adjustments to eliminate that person or thing. You have the option of communicating to whoever you want. You have the ability to walk up to a stranger and start a conversation with them. You have the ability to start a friendship. If that person isn't willing, then they'll be nothing but a waste of your time.

    Now, if you don't agree with everything I've said, you have the option of disregarding some or all I've written.

  • logansrun


    You are the King of touchy-feely nonsense. I don't know, maybe Ginko-Biloba or fish oil will help the brain.


  • JamesThomas

    Within our hearts can be an innate desire to be true to the Source of all Life. This desire can manifest as quite an ache, kind of like a fish must feel when thrown from it's beloved ocean. We try and fix the ache, make it go away, by filling it full of religious programming, all the ideas, interpretations and beliefs of others who ache too. But dressing in a squirrel suite and living in a tree with a pile of nuts, doesn't fix the hurt within a fish....does it. I suggest Scoob, forgetting the religious message that God/our Source is too tiny to be here now, and is somehow restricted by space and time. Forget your ideas and beliefs about God, take the chains off and go naked and open to new understanding into the center of the ache. You may notice that the ache radiates pretty much from the same inner location as love. Trust that there is a wisdom available, that wants you as much or more than you want it. Forget beliefs, look deep within your own Being and find out what is Real, Actual, Alive and True. You may find you were never away from the Sea, only believed yourself to be.

  • ScoobySnax


    I'm not going there again.


  • Englishman


    When I left the JW's, I became aware of a void in my belief system. Eventually, I sort of discovered a "half way house" that I felt comfortable with.

    It was simply to follow the words of wisdom contained in "Desiderata".

    I know it's old hat, but it still bears looking at again:

    Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be
    in silence. As far as possible be on good terms with all persons. Speak
    your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and
    ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons
    they are vexations to your spirit. If you compare yourself with others you
    may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser
    persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your
    career however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortune of
    time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of
    trichery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. Many persons
    strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be
    yourself. Especially do not feign affection.

    Never be cynical about love, for in the face of all avidity and
    disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of
    the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nuture strength of
    spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself
    with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a
    wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the
    universe no less than the trees and the stars.

    You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no
    doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with
    God, whatever you conceive him to be and whatever your labours and
    aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.
    With all its shame and drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful
    world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.


  • not close to perfect
    not close to perfect

    Hi Scooby, there are good and bad in all people no matter what colour or religion. Only Jehovah knows who they are. When I first started to study I was worried I could never measure up and I told this to the person I was studying with at the time and the reply I got has helped me get through some trying times.

    The person I studied with once told me as time goes by I am going to hear and see things not just in the world but within the congregation that will totally surprise me. The one thing to remember is none of us are perfect, not even the ones who think they are. With in the truth all of us fall short of Jehovah`s standards.So when I go to the meeting and when I socialize try to remember we are not here to point at others mistakes just as they are not here to point at ours(though sometimes they do).We are here to learn about and love Jehovah. That is the only thing that matters in this world. So do your best and pray. Praying is the most important lesson we can learn. Pray in detail when you speak to Jehovah. He is better to talk to than a friend is because unlike us he is perfect. Remember to read the bible in order to get your reply. Jehovah will never let you down.Don`t let Satan win by clouding your judgement. Whenever you feel or think negatively SAY JEHOVAH out loud and then PRAY TO HIM.

  • Nosferatu

    Welcome to the forum notclosetoperfect! I was never baptized, so you have the freedom of friendly, open-minded debate with me :)

    With in the truth all of us fall short of Jehovah`s standards.

    That is not only true with Jehovah, but everyone else living on this earth. We fall short of our parents, our friends, our lovers. The only person we don't fall short of is ourselves if we do things the best way we know how.

    So when I go to the meeting and when I socialize try to remember we are not here to point at others mistakes just as they are not here to point at ours(though sometimes they do).

    One thing I agree with in the bible: "Bad association spoils useful habits". Why would I want to spoil my useful habit of being proud of who I am by associating with people who are judgemental of me?

    We are here to learn about and love Jehovah.

    It would be nice if it was that way, unfortunately it's not. The sad truth is that everyone is critical of each other at the meetings. Jehovah doesn't say a word. Jehovah doesn't spread rumors about us. Jehovah doesn't gossip. With Jehovah's silence, how can others judge what Jehovah thinks of us?

    That is the only thing that matters in this world.

    I must disagree with this statement. We make up our minds about what matters in this world. Even you are telling Scooby what matters to him. Scooby should have the ability to decide what matters most for him.

    So do your best and pray. Praying is the most important lesson we can learn.


    Pray in detail when you speak to Jehovah. He is better to talk to than a friend is because unlike us he is perfect.

    I'm not sure of the reasoning behind this. What does the state of perfection, or lack of, have to do with a good listener?

    Remember to read the bible in order to get your reply. Jehovah will never let you down.Don`t let Satan win by clouding your judgement.

    Judgement is only clouded when one is trying to please everyone, when everyone has different views.

    Whenever you feel or think negatively SAY JEHOVAH out loud and then PRAY TO HIM.

    Cursing lets out frustration the same way.

  • hillary_step


    An excellent post, as ever.


    Its hardwired into my psyche.

    Mmm. Have you ever stopped to think what this means in practical terms. How would you distinguish between being 'hardwired' and being 'indoctrinated'? Perhaps within the identification of this term, the peace that you seek lies waiting for you.

    Best regards - HS

  • MegaDude
    I don't think despite all my ups and downs, my worries, my insecurites, my trying to live life apart from that I really in my heart of hearts know to be right, that I could ever really lose my love for Jehovah. I just can't forget that what I once learnt. It can't be undone. Its hardwired into my psyche.


    You say you don't think you could lose your love for Jehovah. Good for you. Don't let anyone take it away from you. But is there only one narrow confined way to love Jehovah? Be loved by him? Is the Watchtower the only way?

    I agree with what they teach, I really do believe that above all they really do have the right way. The Truth. The true Religion.

    Do you agree that the Watchtower stance on chronology, blood, the 144k, is "the truth"? Did you know there are people in high positions at Bethel that don't believe these things? If the Watchtower dropped some of these doctrines you may believe as truth, would you hold onto them and be in opposition to the Watchtower, or would you meekly go along with what you were told to do?

    Have you visited other churches? Talked with other religious people about their convictions? What is the difference between you and them?

    I've never met a JW that could keep up with all the rules and guidelines, and the punishing demands made on their time. Never have met a JW who felt good about being a JW. That should tell you something. The JWs I met, elders, pioneers, annointed, Bethel writer, who seemed like they had it together all became anxious when asked a few simple questions. That's when I realized, they had no strong faith. They had no strong faith because they never bothered to get their questions answered. They never bothered to get their questions answered because the very atmosphere of Jehovah's Witnesses strongly discourages and even punishes those who ask questions. When my questions reminded them of their own doubts, anxiety prevailed in their faces.

    Compared to mainstream churches, the JWs are a joyless, faithless, unhappy religion. It's so third rate as a religious experience I can understand your reluctance to go back to it.

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