Hi Everyone;
I'm not on here too much anymore, but I've been asked to write a brief biography of our dear Grace Gough ('Mouthy' on here). I'm writing my own memories of her but it was also suggested that I maybe contact others who knew her to see if they had a nice memory or two of her they'd like to share. It would only have to be a paragraph or two and your name can be kept confidential if you like. It is for an ex-JW site called AAWA or AWAA (I'm not really familiar with it). Anyway, if you do have a nice memory you'd like to share, please send me a PM.
Hope everyone on here is doing fine!!
Memories of Grace Gough
by Mary 21 Replies latest jw friends
If it's AAWA, it would be sad to see them using Grace's memory for self-publicity purposes.
If it's AAWA, it would be sad to see them using Grace's memory for self-publicity purposes.
I agree with Simon. I am not crazy about AAWA personally and would NOT like to see Grace's biography appear on their site either.
George One Time
Is there something about AAWA history or goals I do not know? (Just curious, I haven't been involved)
Good question.
From time to time over the many years I've posted here, "Mouthy" would send a PM with words of either appreciation or encouragement. She was a straight shooter without baggage, agenda, or pretense. I like her and what she had to say.
She was like the air itself--so necessary in a taken-for-granted way. Now I'm sorry I would take her for granted at all.
We come and we go--each and all of us--don't we? Some of us are shadows of pain and some are luminous and warm. None of us need be strangers.
Mouthy wasn't a stranger. Not at all. She was a real person. Authentic, caring, and able to reach out and connect. My world was made better for having known her.
We could all do worse than have that said when we pass on. No?
Is there something about AAWA history or goals I do not know? (Just curious, I haven't been involved)
I've been on the site and other associated contacts and am of the opinion that the gentleman in charge is something of a self-aggrandising individual. Rather like a circus ringmaster. IMHO. A glory seeker.
OK, now I have to look at the AAWA site.
Mouthy was a real voice of maturity on this site. She was elderly and you knew that she hadn't been hiding in her closet all her life. It was clear that even when she was in the Congregation she made her voice heard and was respected because she kept her cool.
i was envious of those here who actually knew her.
I found Mouthy/Grace a source of comfort.