Originally put up on similar thread, which has been removed (from Revelation Climax):
What is the strangest picture drawn or other you ever saw in a JW article?
by blownaway 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
compound complex
Pointed out - that seems like an extreme oversight.
IF it is not intentional, how did they miss such a thing? It doesn't even look like a hand at all. I know they use live actors to set up the artwork - this just looks like the finishing artists missed it entirely. Does no one review this stuff before it prints? Could be the artist just 'sketched in a hand' then never went back to finish.
They sure as shit didn’t “miss” anything in the GM book or the creepy WT article.
Those pics are deliberate AF...
I did a high resolution of this one and did my own print on a tee shirt.
DD - where in the GM book are those pics of Jesus?
It could be the “Bible Teach” book. I would look myself, but I’m not sure I know where my old books are.
road to nowhere
any of the new water color or whatever things they put in the new WTs. Or the stick figure videos.
Perhaps the dislikes were related to the stake vs the cross and not the pics.
Data-Dog - "...as humans we recognize patterns, like seeing Godzilla in a cloud formation..."
Damn, I've been looking at the wrong clouds.
Has no one mentioned the Rutherford book “Creation” page 265?