I will now predict the personal futures of countless
loyal elders who secretly read this board.
In five to ten years, you will say to yourself:
"What was I thinking?"
"Why didn't I spend more time with my wife?"
"Why didn't I persue more time with that hobby I loved?"
and finally,
"Why did I wait so long to quit?"
I say this because the future trends are well in hand.
Spiritual conditions in most congregations are going
to get much worse. In addition, YOU WILL BE HELD LEGALLY
The Society is discreetly dumping LEGAL responsibility
on LOCAL brothers. This is why the C.O.'s lecture you
on being careful NOT to put certain things down on
disfellowshipping forms sent to the Society - THEY DON'T
WANT TO BE LIABLE! The privilege of that liability
is YOURS, Brother!
I know an elder, a strong hardworking man who raised
a family and is now retired. He recently attended
a judicial meeting.
The other elders got uneasy when he started crying.
It just hit him during the meeting, how superficial
the righteousness of countless Witnesses was. Double
lives are common now. This isn't the organization
he thought he was defending, all these years.
These tears will be in your eyes, too.
You will know exactly how he felt.
In five to ten years, the average Witness will be
no different than any other member of any religion.
Do you really want to go on "policing the congregation"
with this trend accelerating? Is this the way you want
to spend your evenings? your weekends?
Does it give you a deep sense of futility when
anguished Witness parents call you suddenly to their
house to "straighten out their kid" - and you realize
that it won't make any difference? that the kid will
run away or get df'd or both?
There's a hard rule in the stock market.
"Don't fight the trend"
It's good advice.
Don't spend the precious currency of your lifespan
fighting a hopeless cause.
Spend that time instead wife your wife and family.
Years, from now
You won't regret it.