LostintheFog1999, your theory has some legs in that the Genesis account consists of short stories that Moses connected into longer narrative, nevertheless it is chronologicaly correct since Nimrod was indeed Noah’s great grandson.
WAS NIMROD A NEPHILIM? The account seems to suggest that he became a "giborim=mighty one" like the Nephilim of old.
Many don't know that building the tower was an open rebellion to God.According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Nephilim potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state-sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear, Nimrod was successful in implementing his rebellious and heretical religion on most of the people at that time. Those who did not abide by the new ways were callously removed, likely by death, from the so-called enlightened, foreshadowing the great end-time genocide that will be waged first by the religion of Babylon (Rev. 7:1–17; Rev. 18:24; and Rev. 19:2) and then by the Antichrist (Rev. 13:5–18).