Recently a public speaker noted that the earth and humans are insignificant in comparison to the Universe with its millions of galaxies and billions of stars.
My question to bible literalist's is..
Why did God confine Satan and his Demons to the vicinity of the earth with so many other uninhabited options?
Why not restrict them to Uranus with a bunch of meat puppets to beat up?
They could have Demon races around the rings of Saturn or play tennis in a far off galaxy with a comet?
If man is going to stay perfect for eternity with the Satanic influences removed, why not just remove them in the first place to see how man fares?
If the bible is an accurate description of what God has done it's like putting a wolverine in a cage with your kids and poking it with a stick.
What do you think Blind Zebra...makes you wonder..huh..huh