
by Xena 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Well lookie here at all the troublemakers in our midst, why am I not suprised?????

  • FlyingHighNow

    Define trouble maker.


  • Xena

    people who ask that you "define" things for them

  • LyinEyes

    I was a "good" elder's daughter.........

  • Sassy
    Well lookie here at all the troublemakers in our midst, why am I not suprised?????

    tee hee.. ok so now where do we all meet for drinks so we can really find some trouble..

    The "REAL" troublemakers were the goodietwoshoes with raised hands and big opinions about other people they had no business having opinions of in the first place.

    that is for sure plmkrzy! But they always were "PERFECT"...

  • truthtome

    I was always bad asked to many questions ie: why can't we bury our dead even if they are df'd isn't the memorial for the living? They can no longer lead us astray can they? Why are child molesters treated better than someone who smokes? Why do the elders not go in field service? and so on and so no!!!!


  • Xena

    Bad to the Bone words: George Thorogood

    On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered 'round
    And they gazed in wide wonder, at the joy they had found
    The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone
    She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone

    I broke a thousand hearts, before I met you
    I'll break a thousand more baby, before I am through
    I wanna be yours pretty baby, yours and yours alone
    I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone

    I make a rich woman beg, I'll make a good woman steal
    I'll make an old woman blush, and make a young woman squeal
    I wanna be yours pretty baby, yours and yours alone
    I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
    Bad to the bone

  • outbackaussie

    I was labelled a troublemaker, even before I actually became involved in any trouble LOL I guess some could see it coming.

    I had 1 Cor 15:33 quoted at me so many times it wasnt funny. Apparently I chose friends poorly. Or maybe I was the bad association, I forget which now.

    I had an elder's wife criticize a dress I wore to a meeting once, it had sleeves but cutouts on the tops of the shoulders. She said if I had worn the dress in israelite days I would have been stoned to death. I said if I had worn it in israelite days I would have been rich, as it was polyester and they hadn't invented it yet. She didn't laugh.

    I must just look the wicked type I guess, when I had the meeting with the 3 elders that had DF'd me, you know the meeting you have months later when you have tried to grovel enough to get back in so your family will speak with you again blah blah blah...well at that meeting they asked me if I engaged in anal or oral sex with my new husband (of only 4 months) which naturally enough, at the tender age of 18 and having been raised a good witness girl I had done nothing of the sort but I was so shocked that they even asked me! After my meeting had finished, I told hubby what they had asked me on the way home in the car, he wanted to go back and abuse them, dirty pervs LOL

    I got told off for wearing red when I had a part in a CA skit thingy. I was always in trouble for flirting, which I guess I did but hey I was 16 isn't that what you are supposed to do at 16? LOL I once had an elder tell me to wear a minimising bra, apparently my breasts were even troublemakers :D

  • ozziepost

    Listen up. outback, you were just bad!!! I bet I remember you!!!!

    OK seriously.....If it's any consolation, you and thousands of others have had this 'treatment'.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • gumby

    Well.....I suppose I should just come right out and tell everyone about my farm animal fetishes I had and how the elders just hated me for it........heartless bastards!

    Actually.....I too was the model guy for many years. Always at meetings, always out in service, nearly always studied my lessons.....and served many years. When I exited.....I never went any "wilder".....unless you call "twisting up a fatty" and smoking it as bad.


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