Such a good album...anyone else here have it?
The Love Below...nice instrumental action...
Love Hater...jazzy meets Jimmi Hendrix meets Outkast
God...supplication for a sweet beyatch, one not too fast or too slow, not even one w/a big booty...just one proportionate to the rest of her..that's all I ask
Happy Valentines Day...every day's the 14th!...when arrows don't penetrate cupid grabs the pistol...there's all this talk of Santa Claus, but love rules supreme.. yes please and thank you...I don't want to move too fast, but can't resist yo sexy a$$, jazzy
Where Are My Panties?...starts off w/morning after monologues...wondering what the other was thinking about their fling..
Prototype...I hope you're the one, but if not, you''re the prototype
Hey Ya!...great radio song... don't wanna meet yo daddy, I just want you in my caddy... don't wanna meet yo mama, I just wanna make you ...oh oh
Roses need a golden calculator to divide the time it takes to look inside and realize that real guys go for real down to Mars girls...I know'd like think yo sh*it don't stank, but lean a little closer see roses really smell like boo boo..
She Lives In My Lap...I swear it could almost pass off for the Smashing Pumpkins it sounds ...
My Favorite jazzy instrumental of the song from The Sound of Music
Take Off Your Cool another good one w/some guitar and female vocals..
A Life in the Day of Benjamin André (Incomplete) kind of beat poet rap..naughty naughty..
Behold A Lady anthem to a lady standing by the wall, clap clap you deserve it all...
Vibrate ambient sounding song...also very jazzy
Pink & Blue ..pretty pink, baby blue, why don't you teach me something new? We're all just babies in my view so just crawl baby...kick ass me when that big ole house gets lonlified
Love in War ...let's kiss not fight..try to do what's right tonight..make love not war...what the hell are we living for? cliche' the end is near...
She's jazzy tune
Good Day, Good Sir...funny word play dialogue
Dracula's Wedding...*LOL* hillarious song...I never ran from no one, but I'm terrified of you...*LOL*
District Overbeer