Power of the Mind?

by Frannie Banannie 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I've been here on JWD since last August (?)....I've read and posted and begun some threads that addressed beliefs in the paranormal and spirituality and I'm truly wondering now.....it seems paranormal or spiritual experiences (even my own) are the products of what we've been led to believe....or been taught to believe.....do any of yall find this to be true for you? I can even remember having a pre-borg "out-of-body" experience, simply because I read a book on the subject and consciously decided to DO it....

    If so, what does the possibility of retraining our minds to actually believe only good things for ourselves and our loved ones hold for the future?

    Frannie B

  • seedy3

    Hi Frannie,

    I truely believe that man has the mind ability to do many things that we are not aware of today. too many unexplained things have happened in the past that are not able to be figured by science and physics. such as the Pyrimids (they try to show how they were built, but it is really a febble attempt unless they were alot stronger then us today), the manmade island off of Pohnepae in the pacific, just ot name 2. I used ot accept thier explaintion of the process, but I then found a place called the Coral castle in Florida, built in the 1920's and then wonder how he, alone could have built the place, muchless move it once.

    I think with the right training from a child more is possible then what we now have.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I do too, Seedy....just wish I knew where to look to begin retraining my mind to believe in me and my future....self-help books just don't "get" it....

    Frannie B

  • dh
    I think with the right training from a child more is possible then what we now have.

    i totally agree, when you are a child i think you are open to so much more than as an adult, like a blank canvas, the older you get, the more cluttered it becomes. i think on a whole this is down to society & mankind though, and until the mindset of the masses changes, we won't push the limits of what the mind can do because we have so many other things that take priority, like work, food, etc.

    i do however honestly feel that a lot of the 'spiritual/paranormal' experiences people say they percieve on the outside are actually coming from within, i.e. projecting fantasies, allowing minds to drift idley, it's possible to go so deep into your imagination for just a second that you have to readjust your vision to the real world when you snap back in, or check the time because you don't know how long you were gone... i think some people want to believe some things so much that they convince themselves it happened, when it really only happened in their head.

    i don't doubt that the mind appears to be inexplicably powerful, but who are we to guage what power is? the mind may well just be a giant illusion and we're all the decieved.

    i do however strongly believe that there is another world wound into ours, existing right at the edge of what our senses allow us to percieve, i would bet my life that it is there, and though i do question a lot of what people say, i think that is the only way to understand.

    speaking of out of body experiences... i regularly go to bed at night and in my dreams see myself from the outside, as an outsider looking in, be it just in motion doing things, i have come across my dead body in more settings that i could count, i see myself in the mirror, i creep up on myself in my own bed, or just look down on me, BUT these are dreams, aren't they? it can happen when i'm asleep dreaming or just day dreaming, however it is not something i can bring on by thinking about it, if i could i would question whether i was imagining it on purpose, but because it occurs naturally i don't have to, i think it is mostly just my mind organising my thoughts, even though it seemed to be something else.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    i do however honestly feel that a lot of the 'spiritual/paranormal' experiences people say they percieve on the outside are actually coming from within, i.e. projecting fantasies, allowing minds to drift idley, it's possible to go so deep into your imagination for just a second that you have to readjust your vision to the real world when you snap back in, or check the time because you don't know how long you were gone... i think some people want to believe some things so much that they convince themselves it happened, when it really only happened in their head.

    i don't doubt that the mind appears to be inexplicably powerful, but who are we to guage what power is? the mind may well just be a giant illusion and we're all the decieved.

    dh, I was reading Freddy Kreuger's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/65895/1.ashx and it got me to thinking about this very thing.....from my own experiences, the paranormal/spiritual events were witnessed by others around me as I experienced them....so....IMHO....since these events can manifest themselves where others can witness their manifestation, then our minds and thoughts CAN probably control our environment.....we're "programmed" to take on the belief systems of those around us from birth....sure, it's "brainwashing"....a form of hypnosis in that it's so repetitive for all the days of our lives....of course, as we grow to adulthood, we then CHOOSE to continue or discontinue certain beliefs and take on new beliefs, altering our perception of our world and those around us....then there's reality to deal with....which also alters our perception of ourselves and others around us....but its a TREMENDOUS undertaking to try to "undo" what we've continued to allow ourselves to believe in so deeply....

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't know, Frannie. This is an interesting idea. I know that sometimes I have used mind over matter to control pain. I'd like to learn more about how to unlearn old thinking and learn new thinking though. Sometimes it can be one thing someone says to you that changes years of thinking.

    When I was a teen, mom's friends had a book about out of the body experiences. She told us that no one had been able to finish the book because it scared them. Mom and I bought our own copy and neither of us could finish the book. It was that scary!


  • Sirona

    I think our minds are very powerful and can affect things in our life in a big way. IMO You are correct that many "psychic" or paranormal experiences actually come from within us, but IMO that does not make the experience any less valid. (e.g. people who "make" a ghost or poltergeist, or get a flash of inspiration which seems to be from an external source but is actually from them)

    The reason for this is that I believe we are not separate from God and that we all have divinity within us, and using our mind this way is tapping into that. That is not to say that there are no paranormal experiences that come from elsewhere - I think that a paranormal event can be linked to something other than our own mind aswell.

    Just my opinion


  • particlesnwaves5


    There is a book you might find interesting called "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. He proposes that the universe is holographic in nature and that physicality is just an illusion. The first part of the book discusses scientific research that would seem to validate his conclusions.

    Holographic plates can be broken and yet each pieces contain the whole information of the image. MT proposes that we are like that--we contain the universe in side of us. That would explain things like out of body experiences; people are not really going out, they are going deep inside their subconscious.

    He says our thoughts create our reality. This would explain alot of paranormal activity.

    I would like to relate one experience I had while being a witness. A woman, that I was making return visits on, gave me an item that I took home. When one of the sisters noticed it, she mentioned that the woman who gave it to me dabbled in the occult. I prayed that night that if the item was demonized for Jehovah to let me know. That night I awoke to some type of tissue in the air like streams of cigarette smoke. I felt paralized and it took some time to be able to utter Jehovah's name. When I did the room cleared. Naturally, I got rid of the item that night.

    But later, I began to question what I experienced, feeling that there must be some rational explanation for this event. Then I read that sometimes we awaken only halfway. That causes us to be paralized and this phenomenon lasts an average of eleven seconds. It can seem like an eternity when you're scared. I think this would explain alot of experiences that people have had.

    You know, the Bible never explicitly says demons inhabit items--just people and animals. Really how reasonable would it be to think a demon could attach himself to a chair or a book, etc. I think the thought that demons inhabit items is just a religious superstition that preys on our minds. I just wonder how many other events people commonly experience are actually physilogical(sp?) events that are misinterpreted.

    I think you do "magnetize" to you the things you are thinking about so it is important to keep a positive hopeful outlook. Expect good and it will come.

  • Sirona


    I too think that you can magnetise things to yourself simply by how you think. In a practical sense, if we have a happy demeanor we'll usually attract other happy people to us, but I also think it goes deeper than that.

    I too have heard the hologram theory and think there is something in it. I might read that book....


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