What's Your Favourite Font?

by dh 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    maybe some of you write, or work in publishing, design etc, are there any fonts that you choose to use because they feel better, do you change the font before you begin writing a document, or at the end?

    for writing i love to use Tahoma, i type pretty quick and the way the letters appear on the screen in Tahoma is very much more fluid than other fonts out there, and if you're writing a lot, or creatively, i think it makes an enormous difference... was Tahoma designed to be easy on the eyes?

    for bold stuff i love the font Rockwell, dunno why, i just like it.

    anyone else got any thoughts on this, or favourite fonts?

    (agh, edited because i mistakenly posted in tahoma)

  • slipnslidemaster

    Georgia for

    Times Roman stuff


    Verdana for

    Arial stuff.

  • InquiryMan

    I like Gill Sans. Its from the 20s, but still looks modern. It has many styles. Antique fonts: several, but not Times...

  • houdini

    Depend to whom i'm writing and what the purpose is.

    To friends and informal stuff I use Lucida Calligraphy, it has a nice flow and look relaxing and friendly

    for more formal stuff though i use a conventional typeface, I use Book Antiqua or Georgia which are similar to Times Roman, but slightly easier to read I feel

  • blondie

    I do my reviews in Tahoma. It is my favorite for most things. Arial is okay in a pinch.


  • Satanus

    I like book antiqua. Sometimes, for fun, i'll use an old german style even for stuff that i'm just reading.

  • FlyingHighNow

    For simplicity and informality, I like Good Old Comic Sans. Sometimes in bold.

    For italics, I like good old Times New Roman. Sometimes I like to use it in bold because you can easily see it and it looks clean and professional.


  • Sneaky Russian
    Sneaky Russian

    I like Tahoma for typing, I used to own a really nice looking font, the best I have seen, but lost it foolishly.

  • Yerusalyim

    The Trevi Font in Rome...lovely place, Sinatra sang a song about it...

    "Three coins in a fountain....each one seeking happiness

    Thrown by three hopeful lovers...which one will the fountain bless...."

  • drwtsn32

    I like Tahoma/Verdana for reading stuff on the screen.

    For print, I prefer Palatino Linotype or Georgia.

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