What the Fox News Network thinks of the BBC

by Sneaky Russian 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sneaky Russian
    Sneaky Russian


    My friends have shown me this link here in England showing the Fox network pillaring the BBC in this news report.

    But here the people and press are behind the BBC and call the government report a complete whitewash. The BBC is shown in Russian and I have felt they have always reported the war very well, a lot better than Fox news.

    I think this reporter is a little harsh, how do you feel as Americans? ( Brits and others also apply)

  • Yerusalyim

    This American thinks Mr Gibson was right on the mark. The once great and reliable BBC was caught with it's pants down on this one. It should be remembered that the British Navy, at the request of it's sailors, banned the BBC broadcast from it's ships in the Persian Gulf because of it's stilted reporting. The BBC just plain lied...and got caught...tainted it's reporting against the invasion...and was caught out. The once reliable BBC is now no more than a mouth peice for the left.

  • Sneaky Russian
    Sneaky Russian

    I don't know about that.

    Most people still trust the BBC because they believe that the Government report was all lies and the BBC was the voice of the people during and before the war. I have been told most Brits are against war in Iraq and that the real people caught with their pants down is the British Government for claiming Iraq ever had Weapons of Mass Destruction.

  • Simon

    Most people in he UK trust, support and believe the BBC a lot more than they do the government.

    The usual comment of the hutton enquiry is "whitewash".

    I think it was a sad day, the BBC made some mistaked which they admitted to in their testimony. The government kept up their lies and even the things that they were clearly guilty of were not even mentioned in the report.

    I guess it's what happens when the establishment asks an establismentee to write a report ... surprise surprise, the establishment was cleared. Many people asked where was Lord Hutton durnig the hutton enquiry and did he go to the same one that everyone else remembers.

    In fact, the report was so one-sided that commentators said that it was exactly the sort of report that the govrnment would have written if it could.

    The BBC is a unique institutuion in that it is free from political and commercial (also political) pressures and is also highly critical of itself. Throught the whole thing, the BBC itself reported openly on it's own failings and shortcomings, making documentaries, and allowing viewer / listener feedback.

    Calling it a mouthpiece for the left just because you don't like the news it puts out is silly. The fact is it reports the news and doesn't try and manipulate the news or selectively report it as others do.

    The basic facts cannot be argued with: The BBC accused the government of overhyping the threat from Iraq & Saddam and that the government dossier was sexed up to give supposed threats more prominence than they deserved based on the intelligence.

    We now know that all this is true, by virtue of the fact that the information the governments was putting out WAS bogus.

    Spin it anyway you want and dismiss all you like ... they told the truth, the politicians didn't like having a light shone in their faces.

  • Sneaky Russian
    Sneaky Russian

    Thats basically what others have discussed with me.

    What did you think to the commentary? I thought that America and the UK were brothers in arms, but it seems only politically if you endure such a tyrade of abuse from your American cousins like that.

  • Badger

    Sion, Yeru, Russian:

    You should all keep in mind that Fox News has a vested interest in running down the BBC....Rupert Murdoch would love nothing more than to ramrod Sky News as being "Fair and Balanced" (a phrase that Fox has to repeat every 5 minutes during O'Reilly or Hannity's show.) compared to the "Extreme Liberal Bias" of CNN, er, BBC.

    It's a pattern. Fox and Sky will use it for all they can, and are hoping that they become the Tories' mouthpeice like they are the GOP mouthpeice.

  • stillajwexelder

    The BBC is a unique institutuion in that it is free from political and commercial (also political) pressures

    Is this true Simon -- I thought it was full of leftie liberals?

  • imallgrowedup

    Thank goodness the GOP has a mouthpiece. Otherwise, since the rest of the mainstream media is tilted towards liberal views, we wouldn't have any media presence at all. I promise not to try to stifle the news media of the left, if those on the left can keep from trying to stifle the news media on the right. After all, IMHO, it is because of the presence of FOX network that there is any balance and fairness in the media at all.


  • stillajwexelder

    Thank goodness the GOP has a mouthpiece. Otherwise, since the rest of the mainstream media is tilted towards liberal views, we wouldn't have any media presence at all. I promise not to try to stifle the news media of the left, if those on the left can keep from trying to stifle the news media on the right. After all, IMHO, it is because of the presence of FOX network that there is any balance and fairness in the media at all. growedup Balance is the key - yes - a fairness all around is what is required -- long Live FOX news

  • logansrun


    Who has more to gain by lying to the public -- government or the media? Better yet, who has a greater need to cover their asses or outright lie about things -- government or the media?

    Methinks you could read some Thomas Jefferson.


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